Good price for a new LCP?

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When they very first came out i just happened to be in the gunshop perusing the used revolvers when they got in their first LCP. The guy put it on display and i went over and looked at it. He was selling it for $300. I wish i would have known they were gonna be so hard to find. I woulda bought it and made a little extra cash.
I've heard the same, 500 a week and adding another shift. I did the math at 1,000 a week because that, divided into 85,000 on order, puts the "last one delivered" estimate sometime in March 2010. It's just a speculative date, but it illustrates the problem. Ruger got double the first year's expected production in orders before the line was even making firearms.

Working in production at a truck cab maker, I know it's not easy to just start up another line or shift. Overtime can do some of it, but it takes months to adequately train unfamiliar workers to do the job, and dedicated ones to stick to it. No diss on Arizona, but I imagine it's not that easy to get experienced injection mold operators, machinists, and assemblers to crank up double the output. Most of those don't lack for a job at any time.

That brings up another Americanism - instant gratification, another symptom of our Mall society. Sure, Old Navy had the latest sweaters for fall made months ago, and they shipped incountry for distribution, arriving in stores as we speak. The fashion industry takes those risks, and lives with them. A hard goods maker like Ruger isn't going to stockpile 45,000 guns for a fall intro when the whole market could have gone sour with a bad Supreme Court decision in Heller. It may have bankrupted them.

Not all industries can mark down and take the risk, like home loans and such . . .
how has that been the case with Kel-tec? Cant seem to keep the P3AT in stock either

Because Kel Tec manufactures them both...or so I heard from an FFL friend.
I just paid 330.99 + tax at a tampa gun show

Kel tec does not make the LCP.
mackar makes the mags for both
They are in stock at the local outdoors store (MC Sports) by my home for $269! Unfortunately, I have exactly that much saved up for my CCW Class... Oh, the choices...
I finally found one at my local gun store last week. Gave $305 plus donated an additional 8% tax to the state of Arkansas. You'll be lucky to find a "cheapie"........goes back to the law of supply and demand.......
A friend of mine who does contract work for Ruger explained to me that they are running 22 hours a day manufacturing them, they shutdown production for those 2 hours to clean and check tolerances of the machines.

People want them now, and Ruger is doing the best they can to fill that desire. If they expanded production to another facility or enlarged the one they have now it will cost too much... better to let people wait and dream about it than compromise quality control.
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If I found one locally for $269+ the state tax I would buy it . Until then I guess I'll wait it out. I would love to see these puppies drop down to $150 after the dust settles , but I don't expect that to happen. ...WVleo
OleCodger said:
I finally found one at my local gun store last week. Gave $305 plus donated an additional 8% tax to the state of Arkansas. You'll be lucky to find a "cheapie"........goes back to the law of supply and demand.......
Greetings from the "Natural State"!


I bought mine in Hot Springs at Aerago's. His shop is worth a trip to, pay cash he gives like 10% off.

Where do you shoot?
KT does not manufacture the LCP.

And General Mills doesn't produce cereals for Sam's. I heard KT and Ruger have an agreement that KT manufactures the LCP with the understanding that they will not themselves incorporate the slight changes. Now if you have better info please share it other than a short sentence disputing this. It makes sense that so few KT's and so few LCP's are hitting the market at the same time when both the LCP and the P3AT are at almost premium prices.
I heard KT and Ruger have an agreement that KT manufactures the LCP with the understanding that they will not themselves incorporate the slight changes. Now if you have better info please share it other than a short sentence disputing this.

You heard wrong. KT and Ruger have no agreement. They each manufacture their own pistol.

This came up when the LCP first came out - KT has confirmed there is no relationship. One of the KT employees posted on the KTOG forum about his impressons of the LCP when he got to examine one at the SHOT Show this year.

Ruger claims in an article in the Prescott news that they are making around 550 per day and the rate of one every 52 seconds. according to ur figures, that would be 1320 guns a day. NOT WHAT RUGER IS SAYING:banghead::banghead:

sounds to me like Ruger is still putting the lcp out on an 8 hour shift..

alamo is dear right also... Only ruger makes the lcp, only kt makes the kt
Just went out this afternoon and picked mine up. $299 +Uncle Sam's cut.

Still amazed at how small this thing is. It just disappears.
Just picked one up today at Cabela's for 299+ Tax as well.

George I have some magic beans I'd like to sell you; if you believe everything someone tells you.
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