Gore to train 1,000 to spread word about climate

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Dec 26, 2002
Ridgecrest Ca
Gore to train 1,000 to spread word about climate
By Timothy Gardner

Al Gore hopes to train 1,000 messengers he hopes will spread out across the country and present a slide show about global warming that captures the essence of his Hollywood documentary and book.

The former vice president, a Democrat, said on Monday that by the end of the summer he would start a bipartisan education campaign to train 1,000 people to give a version of his slide show on global warming featured in the film "An Inconvenient Truth" and book of the same name.

"This moment cannot be allowed to pass," Gore told reporters in New York. "I have seen and heard times before when the awareness of the climate crisis has peaked and then a few months later it's gone. I think this time is different, but I have to say I'm not certain of that."

The book is an expanded version of the film. Both are based on a slide show he has given more than 1,000 times over the past 30 years on the dangers of global warming. He says climate change is a crisis that has become a moral issue.

Most scientists believe carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases trap the sun's heat in the atmosphere leading to stronger storms and rising sea levels that could swamp low-lying islands by 2100.

Gore said all the profits from his film and the book will be donated to train the messengers. He said the carriers of the message will give the slide show at high schools and rotary clubs in the United States and around the world.

Gore said on Monday, as he has consistently, that he had no plans to run for president in 2008. He added that he would continue to give the slide show even as the messengers give their versions of it.
Desertdog said:
Al Gore hopes to train 1,000 messengers he hopes will spread out across the country and present a slide show about global warming that captures the essence of his Hollywood documentary and book.

Why Gore is doing this shows his hand...

Methinks this effort is more about politics than environment; while Albert has always been one of the radical left's darling on environment policies, he accomplished precious little for the environment while he was VP for Clinton, so I am not sure what more he proposes now...

And specifically toward Gore's media circus on global warming called "An Inconvenient Truth" Yes Albert... the planet is getting crowded! With overcrowding comes abuse of the planet! Can't do much for that. And forget about averybody suddenly parking their internal combustion car and riding horses... won't happen. Accept reality Al. Global Warming is a theory Al. Lots of eminent scientists still are not onboard...

Save your 2008 campaign stunts Al... You lost in 2000. Get over it! You didn't even win your home state of Tennessee... 1,000 robots spreading your GREENPEACE message is a joke...you know darn well these eco messengers will switch to GORE IN 2008 signs at your instantaneous command!!!
Scientists respond to Gore's warnings of climate catastrophe

A few quotes a a fairly long article.

Professor Bob Carter of the Marine Geophysical Laboratory at James Cook University, in Australia gives what, for many Canadians, is a surprising assessment: "Gore's circumstantial arguments are so weak that they are pathetic. It is simply incredible that they, and his film, are commanding public attention."

But it becomes smaller still. Among experts who actually examine the causes of change on a global scale, many concentrate their research on designing and enhancing computer models of hypothetical futures. "These models have been consistently wrong in all their scenarios," asserts Ball. "Since modelers concede computer outputs are not "predictions" but are in fact merely scenarios, they are negligent in letting policy-makers and the public think they are actually making forecasts."

Here is a small sample of the side of the debate we almost never hear:

Appearing before the Commons Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development last year, Carleton University paleoclimatologist Professor Tim Patterson testified, "There is no meaningful correlation between CO2 levels and Earth's temperature over this [geologic] time frame. In fact, when CO2 levels were over ten times higher than they are now, about 450 million years ago, the planet was in the depths of the absolute coldest period in the last half billion years." Patterson asked the committee, "On the basis of this evidence, how could anyone still believe that the recent relatively small increase in CO2 levels would be the major cause of the past century's modest warming?"

Patterson concluded his testimony by explaining what his research and "hundreds of other studies" reveal: on all time scales, there is very good correlation between Earth's temperature and natural celestial phenomena such changes in the brightness of the Sun.

Dr. Boris Winterhalter, former marine researcher at the Geological Survey of Finland and professor in marine geology, University of Helsinki, takes apart Gore's dramatic display of Antarctic glaciers collapsing into the sea. "The breaking glacier wall is a normally occurring phenomenon which is due to the normal advance of a glacier," says Winterhalter. "In Antarctica the temperature is low enough to prohibit melting of the ice front, so if the ice is grounded, it has to break off in beautiful ice cascades. If the water is deep enough icebergs will form."

There is much more reading in the article.
while Albert has always been one of the radical left's darling on environment policies, he accomplished precious little for the environment while he was VP for Clinton

I wonder exactly what you think a Vice President can actually "accomplish" on environmental issues? Or just about any other major issue for that matter?

What exactly has Cheney accomplished as Vice President?

Other than supporting the President's policies, there isnt much for a VP to do.

Gore is not going to try to run again in 2008, so this is not some grand left wing plan to jump start his political campaign.
Ahh. The establishment of the Cult of Gore. Hopefully, they will see the benefits of Kool Aid with elightenment enhencing additives.
Actually, Global Warming is a fact.



Proof Please??? A slight climatic change in the last 100 years does not pose a problem, except for the charlatans and "scientists" who are making a living off the issue, and to them it is a career.

BTW, how many of the Kyoto signatories have lived up to the treaty? Hmmm.

Seems like it is a good way to reduce America to its knees, nothing more. Oh, and it is something for the Tennessee Two by Four to do.
Just because Gore is a liberal does not necessarily mean his ideas about global warming and the environment are incorrect.

And no, I don't think he will seriously try to get the Democratic nomination, and if he does try, he will lose.

I think he is just trying to put the environment back on the national agenda, and make a place for himself so he is not completely lost to obscurity.
Actually, Global Warming is a fact. The theory part is wither we, as in humans, have anything to do with it.

Here in Ohio the last couple of days have stuggled to get up in the 70s....over the weekend it was in the mid 50s.....I am sorry but when it is mid june and I have the heat on I am not in the mood for a dufus like Gore to tell me there is Global Warming and it is caused by my SUV. :neener:

They say the surface temperature is going up on Mars too.....I am trying to figure out how libs are going to blame Bush or the fact I am a gun owner for that....But I am sure they will find a way.:rolleyes:
I'd suggest that climate change is real, and since it proposes a massive threat, some actions should be taken. It's just logical. Even if it's only a 50% possibility that climate change is real, that merits countermeasures.

Build sea-walls around coastal cities. Improve storm sewers. Dig irrigation canals in areas that will otherwise become desertified.
For some reason, I can't stop picturing Al Gore wearing a Still Suit and training the Freemen ala Dune.

Global warming IS a fact, but it has been a fact for several hundred years now. The climate record throughout Earth's history has been very irregular and it is nearly impossible to determine how much (if any) impact we are having on it and how much is natural. You have temperature fluctuations due to CO2 output (cars, volcanoes, cow farts, etc.), but you also have Milankovitch cycles (eccentricity, obliquity, and precession of earth's orbit), variations in solar output (hotter sun=you guessed it, hotter planet), plant makeup (forests vs. bare ground) and ocean temperatures (not entirely dependent on average climate).

There are a lot of natural buffers to prevent run-away warming. For instance, if the ice caps begin to melt and raise sea levels, it will increase the area of warm-shallow seas where those organisms that precipitate carbon (calcite/aragonite) can survive, thus increasing the amount of CO2 that gets pulled out of the atmosphere.

Is global warming an issue worth being concerned about? Sure, but where are the real facts? and what about other issues that are provable, like the depletion of the ogallala (sp?) aquifer and the mass poisionings by arsenosis in china because of arsenic laced groundwater and coal?

At least our release of CO2 into the atmosphere is self limiting because we have a very finite quantity of available oil.

The issue is far more complicated than both sides let on, but Gore seems to be using this global warming scare as a catapault back into the limelight. He's a turd of monumental...nay, global proportions.
Global warming IS a fact,
I remember watching scientists as recently as the early 1980s telling us we were heading towards another ice age.

Science is not in agreement on this....unless you are a scientist getting federal money for looking at this....and being told you better find proof of global warming as you accept the money bag.

I'd suggest that climate change is real, and since it proposes a massive threat, some actions should be taken. It's just logical. Even if it's only a 50% possibility that climate change is real, that merits countermeasures.
:scrutiny: To blazes with that!

The proposed counter measure is the Kyoto Treaty which would turn America into a backward third world country while China, India and other developing countries can polute like there is no tomorrow.......screw that and any politician pushing it. :neener:
One of my favorite "Global Warming" anecdotes was a pinhead "scientist" stating that the drought in 1988 which caused navigational problems in the Missouri River Basin was caused by the evvvvilll GWarming.

Google "Flood of 93" and see what we had 5 years later.

After reading his prediction I laughed for a half day.

Mother nature gets hot, she gets cold, she gets dry, and she can get very, very wet. Has nothing to do with humans, and everything to do with her.

By the way, I had a bad case of the 'roids several months ago. Blamed it on global warming...(but no one paid me for my prediction...) :rolleyes:
I am sorry but when it is mid june and I have the heat on I am not in the mood for a dufus like Gore to tell me there is Global Warming and it is caused by my SUV.

Now thats a scientific evaluation of the facts!

It was not meant to be scientific observation.....it was a little something libs don't have...common sense.:neener:
Lone_Gunman said:
I think he is just trying to put the environment back on the national agenda, and make a place for himself so he is not completely lost to obscurity.

Your first part is valid; too late on your second part!! ;)

I still think this is Gore's attempt to become an underground nominee for the Democrat Convention in 07!
It is also common sense that the world is flat, and if you sail too far, you will fall off the edge.
Perhaps to libs who have not studied their history.;)

Just like 700 years ago when everyone assumed the world was flat we have a new flat earth society created by a plethora of media talking heads (who get a lot wrong.) who all assume there is global warming because a few scientists with an agenda tell them it is so.....

I am saying there is not universal agreement about this by scientists......and to have Al Gore out there pushing this does not impress me as the best way to sell it....The guy is not known for being the brightest bulb in the box.

This is the guy photographed leaning over the muzzle of a M-16 in Vietnam. Remember?

a few scientists with an agenda

Both sides of this argument have agendas. Or do you think scientists with ties to oil companies, for example, are unbiased?

Now I don't know for sure if global warming is happening, though I suspect it is, and it does not seem unreasonable to think that man may be contributing. But I am very skeptical of a scientist who would emphatically deny it is happening.
Actually, Global Warming is a fact. The theory part is wither we, as in humans, have anything to do with it.

Not even Global Warming is really substantiated. The earth appeared to be cooling until a couple decades ago; then it appeared to be warming. Some recent measurements show little change.

We do know that climate has varied continuously for the history of the planet, including during the time we have been writing. We certainly have come out of the "little ice age" of a few hundred years ago, but does that mean that there really is a general warming trend that has continued and will continue? This has not been established.

If you're interested in some engaging presentations on the subject, go here and read: http://www.michael-crichton.com/speeches/index.html

Al Gore wants to create a bogeyman, and he then wants to offer to save us from it. Even IF there is significant anthropogenic global warming (not really established, if you read enough about it), and even IF this is a bad thing (there is no evidence that a rise of .5 degree Celsius is bad or good), the only thing Al Gore can or will do is amass power and money for himself.

Wake up: if Europe ever does do anything to reduce "greenhouse emissions", which they haven't -- except for emitting MORE "hot air", and the US does, at devastating cost to our standard of living, then India and China surely will not. So even if all the doomsday predictions are true, they'll happen anyway, and the only people who end up really screwed will be us. Sorry. I'm not buying it.
Folks, we've been coming out of a mini ice age for the last 200 years. This has little to do with anything man has done. I have little doubt that increases, however small, in CO2 concentration in the atmosphere might have some measurable effect, but it's tiny compared to what mother nature does. Nothing remains the same. At one time, the atmosphere of earth was primarily methane gas and had NO oxygen in it! Life is what changed that, the rise of photosynthetic organisms however you believe that came about (trying to avoid a religious thing here) Another ice age will likely follow whatever this warming trend does just out of natural cycle, changes in declination of the earth, distance of earth's orbit from the sun, things we cannot control.

Whatever Al Gore does has nothing to do with anything other than political gain, of this you can rely. He ain't friggin' Einstein even if he did invent the internet. :rolleyes: He knows no more about the situation than I do and probably less because he only listens to one side in the scientific world, the side that offers him political gain.
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