Got a call from my son's school principal today

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And thank God your son has an intelligent principal who handled it well.
And a big +1 to that. This is the first thing I thought of as I read your story. We hear so much of small children being sent home for days, or even kicked out of school for what seems to be even smaller infractions of "acceptable social behavior".

I completely agree that what you're seeing is normal kids talking kids talk, and that he got this all from his schoolmates and friends. In all actuality, the single event was probably completely innocent and harmless.

I honestly believe you handled things exactly as you should have though, even if you view this event as mostly innocent. (keep in mind that I've not been fortunate enough to have children, so my opinion probably matters little). I'm glad to see that corporal punishment hasn't been completely killed off by the blissninies yet. Sometimes, it may be the least harmfull way to teach an important lesson.

I agree with the poster that suggested a talk about this in a week or two would be a good idea. Yea - what he did may have been mostly innocent. But at the very least, he needs to understand what the rules of his school are. Hopefully before he runs into one of the sheep approved principals that are out there waiting for him. He got lucky this time and needs to be made to understand that.

Not to mention that one day, he'll cross that age mark where this will no longer be viewed as innocent behavior. Needs to be dealt with before then.
I'm just now figuring out the fatherhood thing.

I'm not in a position to offer much advice, mine is only 16 months, but it sounds like you done good. Playground threats should be all about who's gonna kick who's tail, who's dad can beat up who's dad and such. Not killing families. No, you're not raising a psychopath, think of all the thoughts that went through our heads when we were boys. We just had parents that, like you, tought us what to say and what to shut up about and play nice. Kinda.
You may be familiar with Colonel Dave Grossman and his study called "killology". Among many other things, Dave teaches us that violent TV shows and video games, when administered to young children, breed school shooters, and murderers in general. The thing is, such things make shooting at a people a natural reaction, especially with children 7 and under who can't really split the difference between fantasy and reality. You appear to have done a good job of keeping him away from such destructive activities.

If that was true than wede have school shootings every day.

If that was true, then I would be a school murderer- ive been playing violent video games since i was...6, i think (mortal combat) and graduated to 3d shooting games in 1998 when i was 8.

People still killed people before video games...there was a huge thread on this a while back. Go check it out.

I suppose in 20 years we'll have a society of murders, according to this. This videogame BS seems to be more of blaming an inanimate object for violence...alot like gun control, no?

Maybe its lack of parenting and larger populations than ever before thats the problem.
Public School no doubt

I'm reminded every day why I break my back to send my kids to a private Christian school.

Peer pressure works both ways!! A positive peer group makes it "cool" to do well in school, respect you teachers and be smart!

I can't believe the #$%# that goes on at the public elementary just a mile down the road. Gay agenda and witch stuff slipped into every single facet of the curriculum.

I go to a public school.

Only thing to do with "Gay" is theres a club that meets after school- theres a few small posters in the library but its not neccesary to go.

As far as witchcraft-
Aside from being able to wear halloween costumes, theres no witchcraft agenda.

Gay agenda and witch stuff slipped into every single facet of the curriculum.


I think you acted appropriately in correcting him, so he knows that type of behaviour and talk is unacceptable. Little kids are just that...little make sure that he doesn't read more into the situation than what you intended. If he was threatened with a rock, he should know it is OK to defend himself, albeit not by threatening to shoot someone's family. Tell him the other kid was wrong to threaten him with a rock.

Also, don't expect him to be a perfect, all-knowing citizen before you take him to shoot with you, or I suspect that you will never go. It is important to correct him when he does wrong, but don't forget that he is a kid, and as many have posted, will say things he doesn't understand himself, only because he heard it from somewhere else. We all did similar when we were young urchins!
Don't underestimate human nature. You don't have to teach someone to do something or to curse.

Which is why shielding your kids from these things is utterly useless. Better off explaining them proper, because they are already aware of them by the time they are 3. Amazing in a way...
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