Got a NIB 870.

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Apr 30, 2003
Nipomo, CA
Hey guys, My shooting buddy bought 2 new Remington 870 Security while working at Big 5. He has now decided that he does not need two of them so he sold me one for $115. I sthis a good deal. It was kind of a spur of the moment thing. He jokingly said that he should sell one of his shot guns and I said I would give him $100 for it. Well we ended up at the $115 price point. Is this a good deal? I have already paid for it and tommorrow it will get dropped off at the dealer to do the paper work. I am new to shot guns so am very excited by the new toy. I have thought of imediatley boxong it up and sending it to Vangcomp. Are there any must do's with a new one? Thanks for the help?
I have thought of immediately boxing it up and sending it to VangComp. Are there any must do's with a new one?
Actually, yes. Go back to Big 5 (for example), buy some ammo, and then go out and shoot it! As Mr McCracken writes: "BA/UU/R."

Enjoy shooting it. You got a Good Deal.

Great deal. $100 more and it still would be a good deal. A suggestion, don't tell your buddy about this board.

As it sets, it's a self defense device of enormous worth. Read the floating thread on Breaking In New Pumpguns at the top of this forum. Follow the advice, then go burn ammo.BA/UU/R....

A year from now, when the pile of fired hulls approximates a VW Beetle in size, and the 870 feels like a body part, then consider what addons and mods will help you improve performance. Get those.

That is about what I paid for my Maverick 88 by Mossberg in 1990, on a closeout special.
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