Got to have a scope son

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Jan 10, 2019
First off I will get this out of the way, I positively hate, despise,deplore the Fudd mentality.

I am attempting to book a hog hunt in Georgia this fall and I was blown away by the demand of one out fit that no matter what I had it must be scoped. Their logic was you need the scope for a night shoot..... yeah I want a narrow field of view and a non lumanted reticle in a situation where a pocket flash light held by someone else lights up my game....... let me cut you a check sir

When I challenged this i started email correspondence in which I was told how unsuccessful I would be if I didn't have a scope...... I have scoped many pistols and revolvers and all came to the conclusion a scope is not for me in field positions during daylight hours so I could not imagine night time. I hunt with a handgun so I will not address long guns in night time shoots.

I don't see the benefits of this policy
Also, it’s been my experience that outfitters know what general tools and gear works best…and they don’t want clients wasting money bringing gear that isn’t optimal, risk messing up, and then bad- mouthing the service because they were unsuccessful.

If you’ve “been there, done that” a few times and want to deviate from their guidance, maybe that’s okay, but if your first hunt, do it their way and see how it works.

Just my amateur advice
I have hunted in the night with iron sighted weapons while pursuing predators and raccoons. I have never had a issue, my shots are 100 yards or less and these hogs in question are 40 yards from the feeder.

The back splash of a spot light would be enough to see the tiniest of sights.

It's aggravating to me that I can't use my gear in my configuration. This outfitter is non refundable if no game is seen or taken so that's a gamble in itself, therefore I will not be dictated terms.

Your not the only place to harvest wild boar
Assuming this is a night hunt over bait, you are likely to be set a shooting house 75 yards away with a green light for hogs. They will usually to take head and neck shots. Guides do not like to chase wounded pigs -- it's dangerous and frankly can be fruitless finding blood in high chest hits. Chances are most people won't be able to see their irons much less draw a fine bead at distance in the dark. You could be an exception but the guides have to set rules based on.their prior client experiences.
If I'm hunting at night, I prefer to use night vision. What a lot of folks do around here to hunt hogs at night is they place a feeder in a clearing with a motion detector on a green light attached to the feeder. Apparently, hogs aren't afraid of green light. This provides the needed illumination to see the target. All of the scopes on my deer rifles have illuminated reticles, I use scoped rifles even though most of my shots are less than 50 yards. Most of the deer I shoot are in the last few minutes of useable/legal daylight, degraded even more due to being inside of a ground blind with tree canopy- I sit until I can't see anything, and when I get out of the blind, I can see a lot more than before when I was inside of the blind, with the natural light conditions always still being favorable and legal, if not for the blind/tree canopy. I keep the scope dialed down to its lowest power (usually 3x). Using an illuminated reticle for me under these conditions is what has made it possible for me to get most of my deer over the years I have lived in Fl. I have never done it, but I'm sure this would help me be successful shooting hogs in actual darkness using a motion detect activated light like I described.
Low power scope is second only to NV at night. There's a reason it's required.
With useable NV costing less than 500...
I have done a lot of deer hunting in that dusky light in that first/last half hour shooting light (legally 1/2 hour before sunrise and 1/2 hour after sunset in TN) I find I can see better through my scope than I can with my naked eyes in those difficult lighting situations. The little bit of night hunting I have done has mostly been with a shotgun or a rifle with a lower power scope (3x, 1-4x or similar, with an illuminated reticule). I find the scope works better with a handheld or forearm mounted light than iron sights unless you have some good tritium sights on you rifle/handgun. And with modern flashlight avalable having enough light is pretty easy. My EDC pocket flash light will produce 1750 lumens and I have bigger lights I can mount on a few of my guns.
First off I will get this out of the way, I positively hate, despise,deplore the Fudd mentality.

I am attempting to book a hog hunt in Georgia this fall and I was blown away by the demand of one out fit that no matter what I had it must be scoped. Their logic was you need the scope for a night shoot..... yeah I want a narrow field of view and a non lumanted reticle in a situation where a pocket flash light held by someone else lights up my game....... let me cut you a check sir

When I challenged this i started email correspondence in which I was told how unsuccessful I would be if I didn't have a scope...... I have scoped many pistols and revolvers and all came to the conclusion a scope is not for me in field positions during daylight hours so I could not imagine night time. I hunt with a handgun so I will not address long guns in night time shoots.

I don't see the benefits of this policy

This is really so incredibly simple, if you don’t like the outfitter don’t buy a hunt from him.
Do what you want, but a scope does EVERYTHING better. Especially in low light. You can see things in low light with decent optics that would be impossible without them. And while you can see the dot with dot sights, the optics are so poor you can't see the target.

yeah I want a narrow field of view and a non lumanted reticle

If you use a low powered scope and shoot with both eyes open like you're supposed to the field of view is unlimited. I've found this to be the fastest way to get on target of all types of sights. The US military agrees and that is what they use now. And they do make conventional scopes with illuminated reticles.

But I do understand that it is your money, and you should be able to use the gear you want.
What is "the Fudd mentality"?

This is not Fudd mentality on either side of the argument. The term Fudd usually refers to a gun owner that is primarily a hunter and is willing to give up some aspects of our second amendment freedoms to save their ability to hunt. ie willing to support a ban on AR-15's, or "high capacity" magazines, as long as they can still own their bolt action hunting rifle or pump shotgun. This topic has nothing to due with things typically associated with the term Fudd.
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First off I will get this out of the way, I positively hate, despise,deplore the Fudd mentality.

I'm guessing you're under the age of 35 and thus relatively new to gun ownership. I come from the age of when the so called "Fudd" mentality you despise so much, was the norm. It was not always by choice, as high capacity magazines were not readily available, if available at all. Most gun owners did not have enough ammo in their house to fill a 30 round mag, other than .22. The common defensive handgun for SD/SD was a 5 or 6 shot .38 revolver. Many of those folks then and now, belong to the NRA. Was also the time when the NRA actually supported more and stricter gun regulations(Look up the GCA of 1968). So called "Fudds" were the norm. In many other activities, they would be called "old school".

This is not Fudd mentality on either side of the argument. The term Fudd usually refers to a gun owner that is primarily a hunter and is withing to give up some aspects of our second amendment freedoms to save their ability to hunt. ie willing to support a ban on AR-15's, or "high capacity" magazines, as long as they can still own there bolt action hunting rifle or pump shotgun. This topic has nothing to due with things typical associated with the term Fudd.

While I agree to most of this, I think those that are willing to give up the 2nd Amendment rights of others are fewer than they were a decade ago. Not only do many of them die off from old age, but they have finally come around to accept the thinking that high capacity mags and Ar-style weapons are not evil. It didn't help that the first guys to bring a ten+ round mag to hunting camp was also the guy who never got a deer, but always managed to claim he "hit a monster". It didn't help that the gun was in .223 and the ammo at that time was not really intended for deer. Add to the guys poor shooting and "buck fever" and once again, the real hunters had to go out and try to track a marginally wounded deer thru the swamps. It wasn't that those "Fudds" didn't embrace the new wave of firearms, they just questioned "why".

Some folks probably call me a "Fudd". My highest capacity pistols hold 8 rounds only. My high capacity rifles are handgun caliber carbines. I do own a coupla 7 shot revolvers tho.:) Still, I support the rights of others to use and own whatever they want, as long as it's legal and they are responsible. As for the outfitter demanding the author use a scope.....follow his rules or go somewhere else. If he's a reputable outfitter, he knows what he is talking about. If he is not, you're better off finding someone else.
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This is not Fudd mentality on either side of the argument. The term Fudd usually refers to a gun owner that is primarily a hunter and is willing to give up some aspects of our second amendment freedoms to save their ability to hunt. ie willing to support a ban on AR-15's, or "high capacity" magazines, as long as they can still own their bolt action hunting rifle or pump shotgun. This topic has nothing to due with things typically associated with the term Fudd.

So "the Fudd Mentality" is an epithet die-hard unlimited-gun-right fanatics use on anybody who is not 100% committed to the NRA cause. Gotcha, and thanks, mcb. You will notice it is acquiring a new meaning as "anybody who tries to restrict my use of guns in any way". Epithets almost always get generalized until they mean "anybody I don't like".

I wonder if there were fanatics like that back in 1934, when the National Firearms Act was passed, and what they said after the sky failed to fall?
So "the Fudd Mentality" is an epithet die-hard unlimited-gun-right fanatics use on anybody who is not 100% committed to the NRA cause. Gotcha, and thanks, mcb.

I wonder if there were fanatics like that back in 1934, when the National Firearms Act was passed, and what they said after the sky failed to fall?

Actually sir die hard 2nd amendment advocates like myself do not support the NRA.

The nra has become an institution of compromise and defeat. Now is the time as a patriot and lovers of the constitution to fight for our rights and not rely on a belly up organization to slow the degeneration and remediation of personal liberties and gun ownership. Literally every gun control act 1968 and on was rubber stamped by the NRA. I 100% support the unregulated ownership of machine guns and silencers but the nra sees it otherwise. All the time people say "I am for you doing what ever as long as it's legal ". Those same people will turn you in.... just like people turned in Jews in ww2 Europe because it was the law.

I stand with liberty and freedom, and as assumed previously I am 30 but I have extensive experience from the age of 13 when I first started handloading and running belt machine guns and submachine guns. I have more experience than a great deal of gun people who would like to offer criticism of my beliefs and experiences.

At this point all we have is separation and division as gun owners, one group wants freedom and deregulation and the other says I want the government to give me permission to exercise my "right ".
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I’m seeing this as a thinly veiled attempt at attacking so called “Fudds” so the OP came to hunting page to express his feelings towards the hated “Fudd”. Unfortunately his post has nothing to do with hunting, the outfitter is suggesting the use of a scope for low light conditions, I’m not sure how that makes him a “Fudd”. He’s not trying to take away your right to posses any firearms. And I’m not seeing how this has anything to do with hunting.

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