Grandkids : Part I

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Dec 22, 2002
Between black coffee, and shiftn' gears
Kids say the darndest things...

If we'd known Grandkids were so much fun - we would of had them first

We have a number of folks here whom have shared pics and stories about their grandkids. Some of these kids are being spoiled rotten - while learning about responsible firearm ownership.

Here is one such story as shared with me from some Grandparents.

Grandpa likes to piddle with wood, he has been doing so for many years. When grandson comes over, they often piddle together, teaching and sharing.
They can go out back and shoot guns too...

Refinishing a youth sized stock was one such momentous occasion.
"I wanna shoot my gun <blows breath , waves little hands> hurry up and dry...".
Too busy learing about the wood part, to comprehend this .22 rifle was his and he would get to shoot it. Once comprehended - darn gun would not dry fast enough. :p

Grandpa lets grandson watch him do some gun cleaning, and stuff. Grandpa refinished some wood stock for a revolver. Shows grandson pretty pictures of stocks and talks about the various kinds of wood...

These two grandparents share chores, grandma can do gun stuff, grandpa can cook - grandson get spoiled either way.

Grandma has bought Fresh Pineapple and Coconuts - among other things...
Grandson likes the Coconut as he get to "Whack it Hard" with his hammer Grandpa gave him.

Grandson is thinking - you can see the gears in his mind just a going...

Grandpa has refinished some grips, cleaned a revolver, and grandson has to see it 'right now'
Seems the grandkid figured out if you want "wood" you turn the coconut 'this way", if you want "ivory" you turn it the other way.

So disappointed you make cannot stocks from coconuts, still the kid was thinking...

So instead of Ruark's Old Man And The Boy being read to grandson, grandparents are having to explain where ivory comes from, grandma cannot just run down get "pineapple" wood, or "coconut" wood at the Piggly Wiggly, seems the local hardware building supply does not either - hence the reason you run into kitchen and have to ask her...just to make sure and all.

Grandpa- "he knows everything, he do ANYTHING..." remember?

Grandma does not fuss upon catching Pa piddling with coconut meant for eating- instead assists cutting a pc of coconut to fit some old grip frame on some old gun that will not work. Jewelers saw, Case pocket knife here, drill a hole there, sand this a bit.....and grandma, took the leather punch with a "nut" design and pushed a logo on each 'stock'.

"Dang boy might be onto something here ma...".

Grandson comes back next trip and goes nuts! "See I told ya?" :p

Yes the coconut stocks dried out and broke in short order of handling- grandson got sad, but he is okay, he knows when grandparents share something with him - it is for real. Another lesson learned...
He better understands why some wood just works better for some stuff than others...

Now if grandma can find an elephant in the meat dept at Piggly Wiggly - he still wants some stocks for a cap gun he has...:D



Tyler is waiting for part II. :)

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