( Graphic) Coyote huntin makarov style

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Pleasure should not come from the kill. The kill is simply harvesting food or eradicating a pest. Thanks for a job well done.
For many of us, I imagine that "satisfaction" is more nearly correct than "pleasure". Regardless, let's not go to picking fly-poop out of pepper when it comes to how other people feel about some event.
I am not speaking about how others should feel. I am only speaking for my self.
For many of us, I imagine that "satisfaction" is more nearly correct than "pleasure".

+1. Just to add some clarification on how some may feel. Imagine you had a goat die, then your kids spent a lot of time bottle feeding her kid till she was good to graze alone. Now this baby goat is sweet as can be and loves the kids (my kids). Now imagine this baby goat get eaten by a yote. There are some really effective ways to handle the situation that I'm not going to do or talk about, but culling a yote den is no way out of bounds. Call it a preemptive strike. :)
I'll show the coyotes, in my area, the same mercy that they've been showing the deer fawns. NONE! :evil: Kill them all and good luck to you.

I prefer larger calibers, so there are no wounding losses. There's no such thing as overkill...dead is dead. In Ohio, there are no restrictions on the weapons used or the time of day or night that they're used. No closed season either.

The buzzards have to eat, same as worms and my rifle is just as hungry. :)

i never realized how many sensitive people that were on this forum, i simply posted pictures because i was excited to finally be gaining ground on the war with coyotes here. (42) killed this year between 5 neighbors and me.
Ehh, don't worry about it. My grandmother didn't know anything about guns, so she'd buy strychnine paste at the drugstore and spread it on a slice of bread. Same deal, different method, dead varmint.
I have come to believe the "babies" thing is irrelevant when it comes to animals. Nature doesn't care about babies, it doesn't give them preferential treatment. Quite the opposite really. Far as I'm concerned you found a pile of 10 coyotes in one spot and starting taking care of business. Those pups turn into adults. I'd have done the same thing though I wouldn't have posted it because no doubt it would start an argument but at the same time I don't believe you should have to hide it either.

I'm also in the "coyote pups aren't cute" crowd.

For sport hunters, I see why you guys stop hunting them in the spring and let them raise they're pups. It's nice to have more dogs to hunt in the fall. However, if I'm anywhere near an area I hunt I want them dead more than I want to hunt them. I'd rather be able to shoot 2 deer a year than a deer every few years and coyotes all the time. We all have different priorities though.

Might stop by the den again in the near future to see if you can get a few more.
i never realized how many sensitive people that were on this forum, i simply posted pictures because i was excited to finally be gaining ground on the war with coyotes here.

I don't think anyone here is sensitive. We're likely all killers of animals, even those who just fish. But many of us are sensible. We've got chain restaurants banning firearms because some over-zealous firearms owners feel the need to flaunt a right. Same thing here. As I said before, this, the public airing, is just another self-inflicted hurtle in the fight for our hunting rights. Also, don't get excited about gaining ground on your war with coyotes there or anywhere. According to several state natural resource departments I consulted (Michigan, for example), the mortality rate for coyote pups is upward of 80% anyway, thus making your effort not only exciting but relatively unnecessary.

As I said, I'm a hunter safety instructor and hunting mentor, and as an ethical hunter and teacher of the hunting and shooting sports, I would never advise killing little ones (Theodore Roosevelt also advised against it, by the way). If culling is justified though, it should be back page news. And for the first time, let me publicly confess that I, too, have had to deal with kittens... -Don
I say good job. A dead yote is a win. The fact that they are young is irrelevant. If anything I see it as a good thing in that these few can't create litters next spring. Do I like that, no, but reality is not always pretty. We certainly have no qualms with shooting a young doe for venison, nor do we worry much about the age of other edible game. When is the last time you are a 60lb flathead catfish? Keep that muddy meat. Nature is brutal and ugly. We cannot get caught up in what is cute or ugly or whatever. Call it what it is and in this case it's a few dead coyotes who will not be eating livestock, pets, or family members.

Honestly I'm amazed at the responses on here giving the OP a hard time. Maybe posting a pic wasn't a great idea, maybe posting at all wasn't but it happened. We all do some things through our lives that others would say is dumb, if it's something you felt was right then oh well. Let's chalk this one up as a learning experience and call it a day guys.
There are various aspects of hunting, or to be blunt, killing animals that as a young man, I was thrilled to accomplish any which way I could. Now I have my personal limitations, nothing screams unethical or wrong about it though, I just don't feel good doing some things any more. But as far as someone else, which would include most of my family members, I'm 100% ok with their legal dispatching of animals, regardless of why they do it, sport, food, or pest control, if it's legal, I'm ok with it.

I still enjoy hunting most varmints, especially when I can do so with a flesh exploding high powered rifle and hollow points, while some criticize me for wasting the pelts. To each his own.

I have and still see the impact that coyotes have on deer, antelope, and elk populations. Ever watch a predator eat another animal alive? Pretty graphic, but it's all part of the circle of life, of which we are the top predator.

But as far as THR and the "HUNTING" forum, IMO that's what this particular forum is intended for. So IMO, if someone doesn't like to view those pics, they shouldn't look.

We have Jackals this side of the pond and livestock farmers have a pathological hatred for them. Some people even make a living from culling Jackals for farmers, it's all they do as a living.

One of the local forums actually separates out "varmint" hunting from trophy, sport or meat hunting as it does have it's own uniqueness and idiosyncrasies (not to mention rather gory pic's as the object is to kill and not to preserve the carcass). My observation is that there are many people on this forum who shoot critters, not always an easy job. Would a sub-forum not be a useful hangout for those of like mind or are there simply too many forum sections already?
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Predator control practices involve killing nuisance predators without remorse, but not the posting of a ":evil:" .

You mishandled the way this was posted and it reflected poorly on you when I'd hope you didn't actually take any evil delight in the inhumane way you killed these animals in spite of how you've depicted it. Quick, clean kills are the mark of a sportsman or a workman when eliminating harmful predators.

I have shot a coyote with a handgun as well, but patiently bided my time to ensure that the animal was at the right distance and angle to make a clean kill. Eliminating spreading/growing coyote populations is a service to others and nature, but how it is done and how it is depicted reflects upon the ethics of the shooting community as well as the shooter.
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I don't think most folks on here have a problem with culling yotes. Its the fuzzy puppy aspect that pulls at some folks heart strings. Everybody loves a cute baby critter. You'd be surprised what kind of animals folks get spun up about. I've been shouted at for posting zebra, giraffe, elephant, kudu, mt lion and I'm sure others. Dead fuzzy pups are sure to bring some heat. I've killed hundreds of yotes over the years including pups. I don't think I would post dead pup pics but then again there is no doubt that my pics have upset plenty of folks in the past.
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We have bobcats here and I have killed my share, but my big problem is watermocasins coming up from the river. Big ones that get dispatched post haste. I hate them, they scare me, and the grand kids, and one got my beagle about 4 years ago
Bikerdoc, You could try trapping them in minnow traps. Most water snakes are not a problem, but cottonmouths are not friendly critters IMO.
Practicality and emotion are often at war. Reason is stronger in the minds of some, while passion and fervor of the moment rules the realm of others. It's good we are different, one from another. Neither need be wrong.

If I say I could not kill a pup coyote, I make a statement based on my own personality and sensitivities. Regardless of where or how I was raised, I simply would not do it. Regardless of the law or the damage adults coyotes do, I don't possess sufficient practicality to kill or harm a pup. The lifelong result would be (for me) far worse than good and reasonable need. I admit a weakness in that regard.

A number of our daily decisions are prompted by who we are. What one of us might see as necessary and beneficial, another of us (like me) will see as compassionless horror. Again, our differing viewpoints does not make either of us wrong.

Ugly acts (necessary or not) arise from unlimited scenarios. This topic is about coyotes. I don't think the killing or sparing of coyote pups justifies what we might do or have done within the confines of other scenarios. Sarcasm as in, "Well, I guess that makes me a bad person," is without basis. That's because each situation is different. The personality that prevents me from killing baby coyotes might be the same catalyst that would cause me to unplug a loved one from life support. I don't mean to compare the two, but to illustrate we are not the same. Passion, ideals, practicality, experience, knowledge, religion, love and hate abide in some form within each of us, and those items provide the propulsion that drives us to our own individual decisions.
Ever watched a kid get attacked by a coyote, or watched your family pet get run off with and torn apart... worlds a cruel place and yes i am very proud of the fact theres 3 less coyotes
I have no issues with hunting coyotes, but I do when you make a lame rationalization for it, as you just did here.
Seriously though, even though most folks can see the rationale behind it, I can see where killing a den of pups and posting trophy pics makes you look kinda like a creep to all but the most hardened/practical/pragmatic. Ive killed things simply because they needed killin, but I dont keep trophies of things I'm not proud of.
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