Great American Buycott purchases. Post here!

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Well I did my part. I went to lunch at Hooters and gave the waitress a $30 tip.

Then I went to Carter's Country and ended up buying a Remington 700 VLS in .308win

All in all spent about $700 today. :D
I don't usually buy from a brick and mortar store because of the insane mark-up but just for today I figured what the heck.

What did everyone else do?
Went to the hardware store spent $, the post office, spent$, the sporting goods store, spent $, and finally the grocery store and spent a LOT of $. :D

I saw PLENTY of home construction, road construction, and the usual crowd hanging around HD. I see no change at all.
im looking at calling up my ffl holder in my dinky town of 600 people and ordering up my first shotgun. figure now is as good as day as any. :)
Here in CT, I've not seen any change at all. I don't notice anything, if anyone has done something to protest today I've not seen it.

Filled out the paperwork (7 day Waiting period in RI) and put a deposit on a new Springfield M1A loaded to day. I made a point of telling the store owner why I was purchasing the rifle today... Because he stayed open and didn't fold under the pressure of criminals and their sympathizers. This may sound easy, but his shop is in an area where there were a lot of these idiots protesting.

Anyone else get anything good today?

1 Mexican flag, 10x6 feet.
1 flagpole
1 32 oz. container, barbecue lighter fluid
1 box, strike-anywhere matches
1 posthole digger

Just kidding.

I did, however, finally get around to buying and installing an American flag, which is now flying from my balcony.:) Been meaning to do that for a year now.
My flag set was made here in the USA. $7.99 and amazingly good quality for that price.
I went to the feed store and bought goat feed, and tipped the Mexican National who helped load it in my truck a couple of bucks.

The reason I tipped him was; (1) I always do that, and; (2) because he was not out marching with the Communists Instigators protesting the United States having a border.
I purchased a gun belt and 2 mag clips. (Couldn't find any really sexy yet practical shoes to match them though...) The boyfriend bought some shotgun reloading supplies (primers, wads).
Freddymac, did you swing by providence today to see the big illegal protest? A few friends and I swung by to talk with Arlene Violet, ended up being on the radio then making friends with some Korean war and vietnam vets, great bunch of guys. When i was there, more people were there to get rid of the illegals then to have em stay.
I purchased a gun belt and 2 mag clips. (Couldn't find any really sexy yet practical shoes to match them though...) The boyfriend bought some shotgun reloading supplies (primers, wads).

I am also preparing for my turkey hunt that starts on Wednesday ( :D )

For supper, we are having some Caribou and Venison that I harvested myself. ;)
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