Great quality holster

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Jan 21, 2008
Ft. Lauderdale Fla
For my CZ 75D PCR. My every day companion now has a very nice new all leather holster.
That is except for the steel / brass snaps on the belt loops.
All black IWB, nothing fancy because no-one will ever see it.
Custom made for me by Eric Larson at HBE Leather works, his model DC4.
Its been over a month now, the holster is breaking in nicely, VERY comfortable, great retention, almost too much, fit and finish is all I could ask for.
His means of taking an order is on the phone. He asked about how I carry my CZ, what cant I wanted, how high to carry it, etc etc.
This holster is a bit smaller than other IWB holsters I have, Almost minimalist, it is HBE's Comfort IWB and it is both strong and comfortable.
Reasonably priced, delivered earlier than promised, well worth the price and the wait. is where you can find him.
I’ve been looking at HBE. He’s local to me, but I’m quite well stocked with holsters already.
The holster was not one of his designs, through texts and phone calls, he came up with a plan, and I've worn the holster for about a week and am quite pleased. Responsive, reasonably priced, well-made, and quick turnaround for a clean sheet design. Again, thanks for the review.
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