Greatest Shot ever taken?

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Jul 16, 2008
Ashe Co, NC and Gastonia NC
What is in your opinion the greatest shot ever, as in the most impressive feat of shooting skill/luck.

I would say Billy Dixon shot that dropped his target at 1500 yards with a .50-90 sharps rifle.
Lee Harvy Oswald has got to be right up there with the best of them!

And not just one shot, but several!

I once took out every target on an M-60 range at the Graf training area from 3000 meters ( I was firing a eight inch howitzer when I did it ) W/ one shot does that count? :)
Yeah, Lee Harvey Oswald, if he actually took the shots, ranks up there among the greatest riflemen who ever lived.

You guys realize that the shot Oswald made from the bookstore window was hardly comparable to Billy Dixon's or anything else, really?
Heck, he missed the first shot entirely, inflicted an incapacitating shot the second time which also wounded a nontargeted individual.
Yeh, that third shot did the trick alright.
Hathaway or Dixon could of done the same thing with only one shot.

And reloading and shooting faster then even Hathcock could do it in a sanctioned NRA high-power rapid-fire match, with a slicked-up Model 70 bolt-gun?

Come on!

So Treo, was that an 8" MOA with one shot?

I've told this story a couple times. It involves a 2nd Lt. W/ a map, The FDC chief said he told the guy several times that we were not where he thought we were, before he (the FDCchief)left the track. We were firing a check round. I think we were actually farther away than 3 Klicks because that's how far off we were. Those of us on the gun line had no idea what was up until we heard " Cease fire freeze" .

Apparently there was a unit at the 60 range qualifying and the round landed in the middle of the range. It probably didn't take out every single target on the range, but it damn sure shut the range down.
It has been "documented" that Daniel Boone when squirrel hunting would shoot the limb out from under the squirrel with his muzzle loader. The transferring shock supposedly killed the squirrel. He claimed he did it this way to keep from damaging the meet. If it happened this has to be right up there in the top 5.

While Billy Dixon's 1500 yard shot at Adobe Walls, Texas is outstanding, and while White Feather aka Gunny Hathcock's feats in 'Nam are amazing, the current distance record is held by a Canadian sniper using a 50 Cal Macmillan Tac-50 .50 caliber rifle.

The greatest string shooter is most likely Ad Toepperwein. One of Ad's first large assignments for Winchester was at the World's Fair at St. Louis in 1904. There he established his first official record by smashing 3507 21/4 inch diameter aerial composition targets without a miss. In 1906 he shot at 20,000 2¼ inch wooden blocks during a period of three days' shooting and scored 19,990 hits.

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The July 1996 issue of Air Force magazine carried an article about 2d Lt. Owen J. Baggett, who was co-pilot of a B-24 shot down over Burma on March 31, 1943. While descending in his parachute, he was strafed by a Japanese Zero. He took four shots at it with his 1911, and it crashed. While a POW, he was told by another officer, Col. Harry Melton, commander of the 311th Fighter Group, that a Japanese colonel had told him the pilot had been found with a single bullet wound to the head. Melton died a prisoner and was unable to file an official report though.
Master Cpl. Arron Perry. - 50 Cal Macmillan Tac-50, 2430 Meters (1.5 miles), dropping an Taliban fighter during combat. 19 others taken but at closer range.
Look guys, Billy Dixon himself has said over and over that the shot was luck.

This should be divided into two categories. Pistol and Rifle.

For Pistol, I would say hands down Wild Bill Hickok shooting Davis Tutt/

At approximately 12 Noon, Hickok was seen calmly approaching the square from the north, his Colt Navy in hand. His armed presence caused the crowd to immediately scatter to the safety of nearby buildings, leaving Tutt alone in the center of the square. At a distance of about 75 yards, Hickok stopped, facing Tutt, and called out, "Dave, here I am." He cocked his pistol, holstered it on his hip, and gave a final warning, "Don't you come across here with that watch." [3]

Despite the gunfight launching Hickok to fame as a gunfighter, Davis Tutt showed courage by all accounts. Both men hesitated briefly. Then Tutt reached for his pistol. The two men quick-drew and fired a single shot each, both shooting at essentially the same time, the reports combining as one. Tutt missed. But Hickok's .36-caliber bullet struck Tutt in the heart, killing him in moments.

Wild Bill was a heckuva guy, to bad he was a Yankee though.
I thought the Canadian sniper was Cpl. Rob Furlong.

And didn't Hathcock try to recreate Oswald's shot and found it all but impossible?
When I was about 17, one of my friends shot a flying field lark out of the sky at a range of about 30 yards with my Winchester Model 67 single shot .22 rifle.
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