Greetings and goals

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Jan 13, 2011
Hello, hola, servus, oi, g'day, salam.

I'm here mostly because I've heard this place was both diverse and friendly towards discussion and new people. This is good because I'm not a gun aficionado, connoisseur, or nut, although I do know all I need to about my own two guns, and what I need is advice on guns not for the real world, but for a game; a role-playing game of my own devising, pen-and-paper style. I won't name the game or give any specific details but I will say it is anachronistic and takes place in a world going through its own Industrial Revolution. It would probably be called Industrial-Punk by most as it does mimic the concepts of Steampunk and Coalpunk without being either. There will be no magic or other fantastical elements, and many of the scenarios I have already fleshed-out specifically debunk these standard gaming tropes. The game system itself revolves around a simple percentage base, one one-hundred sided die or two ten-sided dice are all that's needed to play, that will become gradually more complicated in how percentage is used/abused as I get a better feel for it.

In any case, I'm here for gun information geared towards a realistic, if simplified, portrayal of firearms, primarily 1840s-1900s revolvers, (very) early 1900s magazine-fed pistols, and shotguns and rifles from the same 1800s-1900s era. I will not be using real name brands as I don't want to get into licensing issues, nor will I be referencing real brands in descriptions of firearms. The plan is to create a decent system of statistics for the basic principles of the guns, then use those statistics to create a few 'demo' guns that can be the guidelines for players or game masters to make their own.

I'm going to have more in-depth questions/concepts in the various specific areas of these forums, but for now I'd like to ask one general question: Can I get help here, or should I go elsewhere?
Meh; that basically answers my second question. Also, I'm not asking for 'fantasy' so much as numbers, percentages. I just need help visualizing how things work together and how they relate to what gets done.
I would think if you are looking for accurate information related to firearms of that particular time period there are probably some people here that could help you.

Just go to the relevant sections (ie. revolvers, rifle country, etc) and state your specific questions. If you're trying to base your game off of real world info I don't see why THR couldn't help :)

Maybe by the time you're done you'll want to add a few more firearms to your personal collection :D

Good luck.
While some might find this off topic, plenty of members might be willing to discuss via PM.

One of the faults of anachronism, even in 'good' steampunk is the fact that firearms technology was about as cutting edge as technology got for the average man. While most men weren't purchasing a cotton gin or a coal shovel, a man could wrap his hands around 'needle fire' or 'pin fire' weapons, which predated the advent of true cartridge arms. These advances in technology were never cheap. A Victorian era Colt revolver could cost a month's wages. A military grade Spencer (or similar repeating rifle that changed the face of the American Civil War) were often privately purchased by wealthy officers, rather than issued.

If you can be more specific, I'm sure we can indulge this walk through 'fantasy' as an historical exercise.
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Welcome the The High Road Nimdok.

Nothing can compare with handling and shooting the actual firearms yourself. For the maximum information you'll need to take apart, clean and reassemble and then go shooting again with the guns you're interested in.

An amazing source of information about the history, function, disassembly and repair of weapons you're interested in are the AGI DVD Tech Manual/Armorers Courses.
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