Grip tape?

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Dec 2, 2004
South Florida
Where do I get grip tape for a para 16-40 1911? I love the way it handles for ipsc shooting and I need to get some for my son. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
Look through your yellow pages, I bought my grip tape at a local skateboard shop. Its also known as skateboard tape, and you can get a really big piece for 5 bucks.

It definitely works great. Good luck!
i think hardware stores have it, to put on your floor so you dont slip.

sporting good stores might have it as well.
Yeah, I bought a whole 3M roll from Home Depot. I use it on all my pistols as well as on my hockey blades. Love the stuff.
So, is the tape you buy at home depot easy to fit and how well does the adhesive hold up? I'm worried I'll end up with a sticky firearm when the adhesive fails to keep the tape in place. Is one brand better than another?

I cut the tape wider on the sides, so that the grips overlap the tape. You'd be surprised, that take is extra strong! It isn't gonna come off, and even with the tape partially under the grips, it aint gonna fall off.
any decent hobby shop will have it; also try big box sports stores, Dicks, etc, that has a token "skate" section, they might have it as well
skateboard grip tape is EXTREMELY durable.

warning- but only the black, the colors are usually nowhere near as good, crumbly.
even if it does leave sticky goo, just get some goo gone.. lighter fluid works well too.

dont get goo OFF, get the goo GONE. goo off can be harmful to some materials.
Home Depot
3M Saftey Walk outdoor tread 2" x 5 Yard
P/N 7635NA

The 2" long life/heavy traffic stuff for outside steps and ladders, holds on to surfaces like crazy and you hand digs in real nice.
Added skateboard tape to my 1911s...sweet!

I decreased them nicely, cut to shape and stuck it on. Two days later, the tape started to peel off at the edges.

Next time, I cut a bit over-sized, just enough to put about 1/8 to 1/4 inch of tape under the grip when it is tighted back down. Wow, what a difference it made, not only is it better for fit, but it's better in function too. No edges popping up and unfomfortable. In fact, it can NOT come loose now. It helps that this tape is "waterproof". Since my Warrior has "KimPro" finish, and my Colt Series 70 reissue is stainless steel, I need not worry about cleaning externally as much, and running the risk of chemicals dislodging the tape.

Anyhow, it looks sharp, and feels even better. It actually provides better grip than with tooled/machined front-straps of my other 1911s.

The most important part is that I added tape to the front of the trigger guard too. It is a tactical thing, and wow, does it contribute to controlled firing. This scateboard tape comes in sheets that meassure about 12" by 36", and it comes in several colors. I stuck with plain old black...and it looks sweet.

Here's a better idea for grip tape, go to a boat store and get marine grade grip tape. It is a rubber grip tape that is not made like sandpaper.
Here's my Gov. .380 with it. Its soft, yet grabs like crazy.
It's a good idea to prep where the tape is going to be by cleaning with rubbing alcohol to remove grease/oils. I've had the tape stay in place for over 3 years. Another tip is to try not make it go around a sharp corner/edge; that's where mine usually comes loose first.
Try some two part epoxy and the glass beads you use for bead blasting metal. You can put color into the epoxy if you wish. Just make sure the part to epoxy is clean. This works great on wood grips also and if you tape off the area you can get any pattern you want.:)
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