Grips for an older Security Six?

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Jan 20, 2003
I have an older Ruger Security Six. It is a great gun but the grips don't fit my hand as well as I would like. They also interfere with getting a speedloader in quickly. The serial number has a 150 prefix but all the grips I have checked out will only fit guns with a 151 prefix or higher. Do I have any options on this?
You have a couple of options. Some of the older grips like Jay Scott and Mustang will fit both the 150 pre-fix and the later guns. The easiest way to tell if they will fit both models is they will have 2 grip pin holes. These grips show up on e-bay and Gun Broker from time to time.

Your other option is to modify the grip frame to accept the later model grips. It's not really that hard to do. I used a pair of later grips as a template. I scribed a line on the frame, used a bench grinder to rough it into shape and used a Dremel to do the final shaping. All reshaping was done on the back of the frame. I used various grades of sandpaper to remove any scratches and to polish everything up. I refinished it with cold blue. No one has been able to tell that the frame has been modified. The key is to take your time and test fit the grips often.

edited to add: You'll also have to drill a new grip pin hole in the grips.
Youre in luck. Thre are many grips that will fit your gun. I have replaced the stock grips on a 150 series with Pachmayer and Herrets (where the back strap was covered). You will have to *carefully* drill a new grip indexing pin hole in the bottom of the grip (the 150 uses a different location than the 151) thru the steel liner of the Pachmayer, or into the wood of the Herrets. Som suggestions:

Pachmayer: Gripper, Compac,Presentation

Herrets (look for the closed back strap)

Both of these grips should accomidate a speedloader. I suggest safariland Comp-2s.
Go with what slopemeno said. The Security Six really benefits from "rubbers", much easier on the hand and better consistent grip. I normally don't like rubber grips, but I have a pair for both my 'Six's.

You could always convert to a round
butt,i seem to find more grips for
the speed six that any other older
ruger security/service six's.I'am
not looking for a 2¾" security six
in stainless steel to RB and use as
a carry piece.
I'll be straight with you on that one. I don't want to alter the gun. I like it as it is. I is probably the coolest revolver I have ever owned and I don't want to test my meager gunsmithing skills out on it by going at it with a grinder and a dremel like an angry beaver. It would be one thing if I had bought it as a project gun, but I didn't. It is just way too nice for me to go hacking on it.
Modifying the grips is a much better idea to me. I am known to be one of those people who screws up everything he touches on the first try. I generally get it right on the second try.
I would rather waste a $20 pair of grips than risk screwing up a good handgun.

So then, modifying the grips...
How do I go about getting the location of the new indexing pin hole right?
I am thinking that maybe I could make a template from the old grips or maybe from the grip frame itself and then use that as a guide. Will that work?
Any better ideas?
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