Gun Control is Killing People.

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We have to go on the offensive like the leftist newspapers used to. One big problem-we have to get them to print our 'news'.

Remember they have 'the freedom of the press'=they are free to print what they want.

We need to write hundreds of letters asking 'someone other than the choir'
WHY??? not carry in church, school etc. Just cause I go to church dont mean I start shooting-ie 'blood in the streets-OR blood in the CHURCHES'. It just wont happen in church no more than the predicted street.

WRITE A LETTER-newspaper and send copies to legislators and demand an answer.
Langenc, you are so right! Most elected officials have an e-mail address that is available on the Internet; newspapers and other periodicals can be accessed by e-mail, too. The most effective communication with an elected official is a personal letter; next is a post card (26 cents is all that cost); followed by an e-mail.

If you write a well reasoned letter to the newspaper you can send copies via e-mail to your representatives in local, state and national government. This is a good way to spend a few minutes a week.

Charlotte, NC
Remember that for this thread, the issue is what laws to change and how bring change about.

Forget all the harumphing about how foolish we think these anti-life laws are. That's just wasting bandwidth in preaching to the choir.

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