Gun Owners Are Getting The Message!

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Just my opinion,

Much as in a situational awarness condition, you should NOT let the "bad guy" get in your face, Yes, they are getting the message, but the "Message" seems to be coming about 40 years too late.

The "BAD GUYS" are in our face, and now we HAVE to do something as a last effort to stop them, when we should have been keeping them back for years.
To me getting the message isn't panic buying. To me getting the message is becoming active, writing your congressmen, protecting your rights, not responding to the potential of having our rights taken away. How is that getting the message?

I look at it this way (and I haven't had to buy anything because I've been stocked for a long long time). To protect myself from the potential of crime, I do common-sense things - I avoid bad places, I make sure I can defend myself and others, I do volunteer work to try to make the world a generally better place.

But when push comes to shove and things outside my control happen...I do what is necessary and as reasonable a response to the threat as possible.

If I didn't already have what was on my 'must have' list, I'd be 'panic buying' too. I bought quite a few things in the spring of '04, when it wasn't ever sure that the AWB would be replaced by something worse - I lost some money initially, but...

...I had what I wanted and needed.

What's wrong with people doing the same?
So doesn't it make sense to purchase, obtain, and load up, on those things that we may be finding it tougher to acquire in the next few years?

If you haven't been stocking up for the past couple years you're already WAY behind the curve.

I'm in gun shops every day and I'm amazed to see people running in and buying an AR...but they're not buying extra mags or extra ammo. What good is that EBR going to do you with nothing to put in it? Some people just don't look at the big picture.

If BHO wins you're going to see a lot of stuff dry up...*overnight*
What message? Not sure what the increased buying indicates. But to me it hints at even more price increases in the near future and a shortage. I'm not personally preparing for a war and I don't need 10,000 rounds of military ammo. But I have a good supply of what I shoot. No panic buying here.

I personally think that party loyality, race, and the desire for CHANGE trumps gun rights from a voting perspective by the average voter. I only have to look as far as my father. He always votes Democrat because he says they are for the little guy. It amazes me with the low popularity of Congress that voters aren't trying to put most of the existing bunch of Congressmen and Senators that are up for re-election out on their ear.

I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that my faith in Americans will be restored.
One of the biggest gun nuts in the city that I know has Obama signs all over his house. I walked in and he was even wearing an O button. I just stood there, baffled.
IMHO, we got the dirty end no matter who gets elected. A year ago, no one would have considered McCain the "pro-gun" canidate. I'm really praying for the silent majority to raise it's un counted head again this time regardless. I don't want to live in a Socialist country, legal guns or not.
Hitting the Target has many meanings

I rarely destroy the target by throwing rocks or firing blanks or by shooting 6mm soft-air "bullets." SOON, WILD PIGS and COYOTES and WOLVES and IRANIANS will eat Americans out of house and home, not to mention our childrens' demise. The time is now to FIGHT BACK. MOUNTAIN LIONS are NOT reclusive creatures. Maybe Stem Cell reseach could re-incarnate Cave Bears to finish-off the plight of Americans. Sorry if I'm so adamant regarding American survival. cliffy, the disgusted and sad.
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