Gun owners to dump Bush?

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Jan 2, 2003
stuck in PRK

14 April 2003

Please get as many gun owners and liberty advocates
as possible to answer our current poll at

Poll results will be sent to President Bush and his staff,
along with a resolution and an official notice of intent.


If Congress votes to re-authorize the 1994 Clinton/Feinstein
federal so-called "Assault Weapons" ban, gives the bill to
President Bush and he signs it into law, would you still vote
for him in his bid for re-election to the Presidency in 2004?


Hell No, and I'll tell all of my friends to abandon him, too!



Yes, I would still vote for him, even after he
proves that he's a traitor.

Vote on the left side of our home page:

Again, we're going to send the results to the White House.
For that reason, we'd like as many responses as possible.
Please ask your friends to participate. All it takes is a click,
and we can send a powerful message to our "pro gun"

You can also call the White House and leave a message
for the President, too. Here's the contact info:

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

The White House Phone Numbers:
Comments: (202) 456-1111
Switchborad: (202) 456-1414
Fax: (202) 456-2461
Gun Owners' Home Page
Congress passes laws, the president doesn't.

The atmosphere on this issue seems to be that Bush should whine and pout with his veto pen whenever Congress passes some law it shouldn't.

Instead of misdirecting anger on this and similar issues at the Executive Branch for the Legislative Branch's failings, it should be properly focused on Congress.

If Bush had vetoed the asinine and unconstitutional campaign finance reform bill, Bush would have been the issue going into the 2002 election. He deftly avoided that by leaving the blame where it naturally belonged. Really messed up the dem's plans, too.

On this issue, if a majority of the people as reflected by majorities of both houses of Congress want an extension of the unconstitutional ban, the fault lives in Congress, yet some short-sighted ninnies want Bush to make him the focus of our anger, which would ultlimately be the greatest thing the dems could hope for on the issue.

Stick to guns, and leave politics to the adults. :rolleyes:
[Congress passes laws, the president doesn't]

Bush has the next to final say whether a bill becomes law or not.

The presidential Veto is the ultimate check and balance in our
three branch system.

If Bush signs an AWB then he is sending a clear message that he doesn't give a rats sphincter about the folks that got him elected in that tightly contested race of 2000.

Yes we should pressure congress.

Yes we should pressure the president.

We don't have much control over the courts because Federal judges are appointed. (see above)

A Bush signature of an AWB would be a cowardly stab in the back

[Stick to guns, and leave politics to the adults.]

What are you trying to say here? You actually think politicians know more about our rights than we do.

If gun owners just stuck to guns and ignored politics we would be just still be a British colony.

I hope you were joking.
[Stick to guns, and leave politics to the adults.]

What are you trying to say here? You actually think politicians know more about our rights than we do.
Did I say that politicians are adults? They're generally narcissistic exhibitionists with arrested personality development and who always have to be the center of attention.

What I'm saying is that it's childish to throw out the baby with the bath water. There's a lot more going on in the games politicians play than meets the eye or even rigorous investigation.
Abandon for whom?

Abandon Bush for whom? The Democrats? Or some inobscure politician who has no chance of winning and so you wasted your vote, improving the chances of the opposition to win? All over just 1 issue?

If the Democrats win, the assault-weapons ban willl seem like peanuts compared to what they want to do.

Let's all vote for Hillary next time around. She'll be our friend.
Deterrence. The politicians can play political games and so can we. Bush needs to think that it is a very real possibility that we may dump him if he signs it. We can always decide later to vote for him anyway, but the threat has to be there.
They're generally narcissistic exhibitionists with arrested personality development and who always have to be the center of attention.
Quote of the Day!

- Gabe

"Stick to guns, and leave politics to the adults."

Funny, but I have considered myself to be an adult for the last 30 years and yet I still play with guns. And I still follow, and occassionally try to influence, politicians.

I strongly disagree with what I take to be the tone and the direction of your post. If Bush comes out and says that he supports an extension of the AWB then he is breaking faith with perhaps millions of law-abiding citizens who supported him in 2000. Such an action can only help the anti-gun forces by giving them another point, however big or small, to use to buttress their arguements.

I do NOT want a President who plays politics although I acknowledge his need to walk a fine line many times. What I do want is a President who is a leader and stands up for what is right.

Popular opinion holds that many Democrats lost on the issue of gun control during the last two elections. If we let the Republicans do it to us instead what sort of message are we sending? We need to make ALL of our elected officials, from the lowest local level up to the Oval Office know that this is NOT what we want.
If Bush comes out and says that he supports an extension of the AWB then he is breaking faith with perhaps millions of law-abiding citizens who supported him in 2000.
What did Bush, during his presidential campaign, say about signing an extension to the AWB if Congress passed it?

He definitely addressed the exact issue.

As I said, the focus should be on the members of Congress.

My "Stick to guns, and leave politics to the adults" comment was not directed toward adults who have and enjoy guns. It was directed at those who are confused by politics and yet attempt to apply knee-jerk thinking about politics on a gun forum.
I didn't vote for Bush because he promised a reversal or veto of the AWB. I dont think that he did promise that.

I voted for him because I felt he would be a better President than Al Gore. I still feel that he is the best man for the job irregardless of any AWB. As a gun owner I will still vote for him, and not in a single issue litmus test either.
I voted for Bush as the lesser of two evils. On the whole, he's turned out to be much less evil than his opponent surely would have been, but he's still a middle of the road Republican, not a true conservative.
Bush may be politically savvy, have all sorts of ploys and aces up his sleeves but please take him off the pedistal of Statesman. He's just like any other deceitful, lying, coniving, pandering political hack who'll say and do anything to get into or stay in office.

I agree, the AWB will probably die a timely death in committee in the House. Bush's endorsement will energise the left wing anti-rights side though and that is what worries me. They could possibly get the AWB through the Senate, maybe. Which means if they find a way to pull some dirty trick (what they do best) and the get it past the House. Kiss your normal capacity magazines goodbye!

All dubya had to do was keep his mouth shut, was that too hard to do?

Think maybe he was asked a direct question about it...?

Should have gone the Klinton route: "depends on what the meaning of 'assault weapons ban' is".;)
It is amazing how many yellow dog...

Democrats are on this forum. I just voted in the poll and saw the results. I think alot of you Democrats are here to stir up the pot to get gun owners to not vote for Bush in '04. Show me a Democrat candidate that is half way pro 2nd compared to Bush. You all saw what Klinton did to us and now you want to throw out one of the better prez in awhile. The so called third and fourth party candidates will NEVER win the whitehouse in my lifetime and so voting for such is a vote against gun owners. rant off......chris3
Should have gone the Klinton route: "depends on what the meaning of 'assault weapons ban' is".
Bush isn't smart enough to keep track of lies. He knows he's not. Those are two things I like about him.... :D

For what it's worth, nobody is. The truth always comes out.
I didn't go to to the website to vote. Although it is a good idea to let the presidnt know how we feel, the pressure should be applied to the leglislative branch. Maybe the results of the poll should be directed at the congressman or senator of your choice and give it a more local impact. After all, the President is simply a CEO who implements the policies of the Board of Directors(Congress). This ban is a joke, as everyone here knows, so let us direct our venom at the elected representatives. :fire:
It is all about the lesser of two evils. Our best bet its to not let the bill get out of committee.
For me, this is the ultimate slap in the face. Bush is telling the world he is more concerned with getting liberal votes than keeping his base.

I will no longer vote for the lesser of two evils. Bush has now confirmed that he is an anti-gunner.

I won't vote for a Democrat over him, but I may just abstain from voting for a president. I will still vote republican in the congressional and senatorial. I think a real attention getter will be when Bush gets less votes than other republican candidates.

From now on, if I do not like a candidate, I will not vote for him against another "more evil" candidate.

I never really liked Bush and with his poor oratory ability, I never understood why he got the nomination. IMO, this whole thing revolves around his inability to take the fire and elaborately explain his position. So with regard to gun control, instead of uuhhh, ummmmming and stumbling his way through a lame answer or explanation, he is taking the easy way out.

Last election, I preferred the Constitution Party candidate, Howard Phillips. That man is smart. I voted against Gore and felt cheated when I did.

From now own, my vote goes for the best man, regardless of party.

At least I know where I stand with a Democrat president.
Remember that this president and all that went before him is as much a figurehead as a leader.
He can ask congress to do this and that and he can sign it if they do, but by himself he can't enact anything.
At the same time his asking congress for something has a lot more effect than my asking congress for something. :(
Everybody sees him as somehow more powerfull than he really is and no president has ever tried to change that image.

If he wanted to make favorable impression with me, he could get the press to follow him around the ranch as he got in a little target practice with one of the secret service's MP 5s! :cool: :D
so voting for such is a vote against gun owners

Sometimes it is a vote of conscience and a point of honor. Seems a lot of the guys here don't have an idea of how MANY of us did exactly that when George the 1st stabbed us in the back. If you think it was just "the economy, stupid" , you are big time wrong.
I'm convinced that the gun ban played a much bigger part in his defeat than anyone credits it.
And yes, it could and should, happen again. If the country gets another idiot Democrat because of it, maybe it will bring the restoration of the constitutuion from the disgust engendered. I've seen very little difference in the Repubs and the Dems as far as the last ten or so administrations go.
Sampson brought the temple down on his head, maybe we should too.
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