Gun Safe Reviews

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Dec 9, 2010
I've been looking sometime and really need to get another gun safe. I'm looking at National Security Magnum 50, AMSEC BF7240, or a Fort Knox safe. I don't have any store front that sells AMSEC or Fort Knox locally. Also, there are very few reviews that do comparisons. I want a minimum of 90 mins fire rating and something that is RSC certified.

I can get a National Security locally and delivered. Is the Magnum 50 a good value for the money. Prices online vs. locally seem to run the same.

Does anyone other than gun safe websites trying to sell brands they carry do any form of reviews?

Thanks for any help.
Just consider this when it comes to reviews:

Just about any other products is used for its intended purposes prior to a review being generated. People take pictures with their cameras, drive their cars, and shoot their guns before forming an opinion.

Gun safes are designed to protect against fire and burglary. The only people who know if they are truely happy with their choice are those that have had their safe attacked or burned. Most of those giving reviews online have never really used their safe for the tasks it was designed for.

None of this is to say that you can't get good input regarding fit or finish, the company you purchased it from, the company that delivered it, or the information others have found helpful through their own research.
I agree with your statements a1abdj, it just gets frustrating paying so much and having what I call limited exposure to unbias review. At least get input from people that have first hand knowlege of safes with higher success rates from theives or fire.

I've come to the conclusion that most safes are going to perform well for what I need. Some Consumers like me want to touch and see something before they buy it and that limits me to Cannon, Summit, Browning and Liberty (my preference).

Thanks for your input.
Of those on your list, I have some comments.

Cannon has a great written warranty, but it has been reported that using it is difficult. I can say that I have had difficulty getting anybody from Cannon on the phone for warranty related issues.

I have never seen a Summit in person, but it looks good online. I believe I read that Prosteel builds some of the Summit line.

Browning is a Prosteel safe. Great company, great customer service.

I think Liberty fluffs their safes up a bit when it comes to marketing, but the product is decent overall. They also have very good customer service.
I have 2 Rhino Metal/ Big Horn safes that I bought on sale from Costco. I could not be happier with them. Costco also has a lifetime return policy on most of its items.
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