Gun Shop Madness ?

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Feb 24, 2007
11 up and 3 down
Well, I got up this morning to head to a gun show in a neighboring county.
I have lost faith in the gun shows in the past due to them not having anything worth the drive, and the widespread price gouging that is so popular now, but .....I didnt have anything else better to do, and I am on a soul search for primers, so I went. Like the last 4 gun shows, this one didnt have anything that caught the eye, but I did get to see some outrageous prices and hear some hilarious sales pitches.

I left the gun show and headed for a gun shop that I frequent every now and then. I dont know if you guys do this or not, but I mill around the gun shop, to see how they talk to , deal with, and treat other customers, especially customers with little to no experience with firearms. As I am milling around the gun shop ,a guy walks in and starts looking at pistols. One of the sales persons approaches the guy and the guy asks to see a 1911. The sales person pulls the 1911 from the case and says that it has a glock trigger in it and also has glock springs in it. My mouth hung open in awe. I have heard a lot of stuff, but never that. The guy that was looking at the 1911 said "really ? WOW!". The sales person said "yep , its got a lot of stuff done to it, I will have to look at the paperwork to see what other custom stuff it has in it". I had to leave after I heard that, so I did.

I dont know about you guys, but I do not like to shop at gun shops where they do not know what they are talking about, or where they are willing to send up smoke and mirrors in order to make a sale, it is bad business.

I just had to tell you guys about that to see if you guys have heard anything like that or better .
Yeah, but to spout nonsense like that? I don't know which is worse. The saleman for producing such a string of drivel or the customer for knowing so little beforehand that he bought this amazing fabrication.
Usually, I try and stay quiet, but sometimes, if I can wrangle it, I try to work myself into the conversation.

Had I heard "Glock springs in a 1911," I think I'd have to become involved and ask general questions to test out the salesman further: Which springs, specifically are now Glock?" "When did Glock start making springs for the 1911?" "Can you show me (us) how to install those springs from that Glock 17 there?"

Depending on answers or reactions from either party, I may or may not continue, but I'd have fun in the process.
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The Glock springs story was obviously a fabrication just to impress a gullible buyer. It is entirely another thing for a sales person to make a mistake or puff a bit. I don't usually get involved with gun shop talk between buyer and seller because it's not my business. I would have sorely been tempted in this case, though.
You should have said "Yeahhh, that's sorta cool for a newbee to cut their teeth on, but I have a Glock with 1911 Springs in it, which is what a pro reaches for..."

...and ambled on...

Gun Shows really do require a sense of humor, lest they ( and very quickly sometimes, ) become depressing...

Anoher one, - "I wanna buy one of the new 'Schlocks', I hear they're the best, got any?"


Have fun...
I like when you look at "lower end" 1911s and the salesman says they suck you really need the 1000 dollar gun. At that point I ask why they sell the cheaper ones. I would and have said stuff to dealers trying to rip people off.
I was tempted to speak up and say something, but I have learned that it is best to keep my mouth shut. I was on my way out of the shop anyway. I was a little pissed due to the same sales person trying to screw me on some Glock parts. The parts were used ( out of a project gun) and he told me that he couldnt sell them to me because he would have to call Glock and ask them how much they cost.

The most used sales pitch that I heard at the gun show started with the word "Obama". As is "Obama is making these illegal, better jump on it before you cant !" .
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