Gun show etiquette

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Lakeshore - hahaha they have that guy here in Nevada too, hand made goatskin vest (like 5 minute assembly hand made) shaking hands with the barrel and this particular guy wears a bowie on the small of his back that has to be 2 feet across! almost stabbed me just by walking by, handle sticks out one side and the mini sword side sticks out the other!

9MMare - Bring note on what you think you might want to by, so you can compare prices and write down the jacked up offers of other vendors so you can talk them down easier. The one magazine dealer I usually go to, I usually talk to him towards the end of the show on the last day and can usually knock him down some so he can get that last sale. If you are buying bulk ammo, bring a small folding dolly cart if your buying 4-5 cans. I usually carry all my cans when I buy but at the Cashman Center in LV it's a half mile deathwalk UP a hill on a TURN just to get to parking!
Looking forward to bigger shows.

Only been to the Mt. Vernon show one time a few years ago. From memory it is about the size of the Monroe WAC show, maybe a little smaller. The Puyallup show is a lot bigger & well worth the drive.
9MMare - Bring note on what you think you might want to by, so you can compare prices and write down the jacked up offers of other vendors so you can talk them down easier. The one magazine dealer I usually go to, I usually talk to him towards the end of the show on the last day and can usually knock him down some so he can get that last sale. If you are buying bulk ammo, bring a small folding dolly cart if your buying 4-5 cans. I usually carry all my cans when I buy but at the Cashman Center in LV it's a half mile deathwalk UP a hill on a TURN just to get to parking!

I would like to buy a few more magazines, but how can I be sure (no matter what they say) that they are decent quality and will work in my 9mm?
Only been to the Mt. Vernon show one time a few years ago. From memory it is about the size of the Monroe WAC show, maybe a little smaller. The Puyallup show is a lot bigger & well worth the drive.

Monroe is that small too? Oh well, but it's so close that it would be silly not to go, lol.

Maybe I'll combine a trip to the Puyallup show with a visit to Cabela's (Altho I avoid driving on I-5 like the plague)
As a Tacoma native I miss the NW. I'll bet it has changed a lot! Good to read about your gun show experiences. Over time, you'll be able to find deals.

I'm originally from NJ, went to college in PA....have to say, I dont miss it, but I'm more of a 'mountains' & outdoors person. Hope you can head back this way some day.
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