Gun show "what the??"

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Mar 10, 2006
mid missouri
This is a new one to me. My boss, who is an older gentleman, went to a gun show Saturday. He was looking at everything, and saw a holster he was interested in. He asked the man at the table "how much"? Then man said $10. Boss said OK. A guy standing next to my boss asked to look at the holster. He handed the holster to the guy, who then threw $10 on the table, and took off through the crowd. The man running the table yelled at him, but he was gone. Has anyone else seen this or had it happen to them?
Dang... that's a first, although if I heard people yelling at some guy running at/by me at a GUN Show, I think I'd of tripped him, at the VERY least! :uhoh:
I've seen some real shenanigans at gunshows over the years, but not this particular one. Some people ...
I learned a long time ago shopping flea markets, garage sales and gun shows, to NEVER hand over an item to someone else that's interested in it, unless you know you don't want it. Pay for it, or say "I'll take it!", and then ask that person if he still wants to look at it. Sometimes you can even make a buck or two.
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