Gun writer has been 'disappeared' in Britain

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Nov 18, 2007
Near Ocala
I know this all happened in June, but I am just hearing about it:

P.A. Luty, the writer of the book "Expedient Homemade Firearms" and owner of has apparently been arrested in Britain. I say apparently, because he disappeared several weeks ago, and the British government is only now admitting that they have him.

Then came word from a mutual friend in Portugal. A veteran of their armed forces, he had lived for many years here in Arizona, working as a gunsmith, and maintained an interest in the manufacture of guns. He was one of the regular visitors to Phil’s website. His home had been raided by a task force of Interpol and the Portuguese equivalent of the FBI’s counter-terrorism squad. They had specifically been asked to do so by Britain’s MI-5 as part of an investigation surrounding Mr. Luty. Some cyber-sleuthing among webmasters revealed that an RKBA-friendly (Right to Keep and Bear Arms) web guru had been contacted by Phil via his brother and asked to take the website down and wipe it. Phil had once again been scooped up by the British authorities, but under the newly modified anti-terror laws, had been able to do so without notifying anyone for weeks. After being pressured by friends and family, the Metropolitan Police finally only admit that Phil was arrested (on a date still not revealed) for “incitement of crimes” via his website, but would not provide a specific charge against him or any examples of what crimes or incitements to which they were referring.

At this time, there is no address to which to send positive correspondence to Phil, as the police who hold him refuse to say anything more, including where he is held. Phil’s brother John is keeping his head low, fearing the never dismissed charges brought against him in 2005 might be brought back to life if he were to publicly advocate and agitate for Phil. It is even unclear at this point if further proceeds from sales of Phil’s book via the publisher will now ever reach him again.

In short,…the British government has wanted for a very long time to simply take Phillip Luty and drop him down a deep dark hole. It seems they may have finally succeeded. In so doing, Phil has succeeded also. He has succeeded in showing us here in the U.S. that what defenders of the 2nd Amendment have been saying is true;…”If they succeed in repealing the 2nd Amendment, the 1st Amendment is next.”

I’d say ask if Phillip Luty agrees,…but he can’t.

The second book, a manual of how to construct your own machine pistol from common hardware store parts, is available for free download here.
Honestly, I don't think linking that book on here is so wise. To many people on the internet have bad intentions and could use that information to harm someone. So I tentatively say, "IBTL".

To many people on the internet have bad intentions and could use that information to harm someone

Last time I checked, was still going strong. Just remember to mind your NFA laws when building homebrew guns.

As for the guy, I think this is why we need to be wary of "anti-terror" laws. Ya know, denying habeas corpus to "terrorists" can come back to bite you in the rear.

(feel free to delete if too political)
To many people on the internet have bad intentions and could use that information to harm someone.

Kitchen, by your logic THIS ENTIRE FORUM would need to be shut down with all of us dropped in holes! We scare the bejesus out of a lot of people, most of all those in power. Are we now going to censor our knowledge to make them feel better?

He may technically be a criminal under UK and European law, but then again so would most of us if we were living under those laws. I'm rooting for the British criminals--they're the last real Brits left!
I say too many people can use this information to PROTECT themselves from harm. And that's a good thing.:D
It is probably safer and in the end cheaper for most people wanting a gun to just buy one. I know a very few people that have the ability and equipment to make a good gun. I certainly wouldn't shoot a gun that I had built. I doubt any criminal is going to build a gun to use in a crime and a terrorist with technical ability would build a bomb instead. I see no harm in these websites however I also have no interest in them beyond a "gee-whiz that's neat" kind of thing.
you might want to recheck your grammar on the topic title

"Disappeared" is a verb that emerged from the practice of certain South American juntas. They would take their enemies away and dump them in a hole or far out in the ocean. Now the UK is doing it to their own citizens--big surprise there. Lots of our own feds have been chomping at the bit to do that to us.
you might want to recheck your grammar on the topic title

To 'disappear' someone (notice that I used quotes in the title?) means to make them disappear involuntarily. In this case, the word is being used as a transitive verb meaning to make someone disappear -- through kidnapping or whatever. The passive being, of course, to be disappeared.

Jimmy Hoffa was disappeared.

Josef Stalin disappeared many dissident politicians.

From Wikipedia:

In the case of forced disappearance, the word disappear, which is properly an intransitive verb, is often used transitively. Victims, who are those who have disappeared, or the disappeared, are said to have been disappeared, rather than the more usual have disappeared. The perpetrators have disappeared them, rather than made them disappear. Of course, in these circumstances, both the formal expressions "was made to disappear" or "was caused to disappear", and the informal transitive usage, are euphemisms: these people have presumably been tortured and murdered.

Similar considerations apply in Spanish: instead of (él) desapareció (he disappeared), we have (ellos) lo desaparecieron (they disappeared him).

Both the English noun phrase the disappeared, and the Spanish los desaparecidos, are often understood nowadays to refer to victims of state terror.

The term desaparecidos and associated verb and English expressions originally referred to South America.

As to the wisdom of offering a link to such a book, because:

It is probably safer and in the end cheaper for most people wanting a gun to just buy one. I know a very few people that have the ability and equipment to make a good gun. I certainly wouldn't shoot a gun that I had built.

That is no longer an option in England, and should a person who is living in a dictatorship require the means to resist, this book may very well provide the means to do so. Think about the "Liberator" pistol, or the Sten.

ETA: That reminds me- When I was taking a class on rigging and rope rescue, the instructor would always ask us, "Would you trust your life to that rig?" You would answer, "Yes, sir." He would ask, "And why is that?" Your answer: "Because I am the person who tied it, sir!"

Think about that.
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Honestly, I don't think linking that book on here is so wise. To many people on the internet have bad intentions and could use that information to harm someone. So I tentatively say, "IBTL".

Home brew guns can and are built legally in the United States all the time. There are certain laws that govern their construction, and of course, building full-auto requires that you be registered as a manufacturer, but it can still be done.

What is interesting to me, though, is what this says about the power structure in the United Kingdom.

"In order to outlaw guns, you must first outlaw knowledge of guns. To outlaw knowledge of guns, you must outlaw knowledge itself."

-L. Neil Smith
Kevin77 said:
I know a very few people that have the ability and equipment to make a good gun.
There are dozens of people on this board that could manufacture firearms from scrap metal, if they were so inclined. Knowledge is power.
He may technically be a criminal under UK and European law, but then again so would most of us if we were living under those laws. I'm rooting for the British criminals--they're the last real Brits left!

Ditto... couldn't have said it better myself. The fellas that built this country did it with the specific intention of NOT being another Europe. And thank the heavens for that... say what you like about gun violence in America. At least we do not have a thousand years of tyranny to answer for.

If the British government does something... do the exact opposite and we should be fine.
The fact is that the SMG is the easiest gun to manufacture; the hardest part is the magazine, assuming you can't buy one.

Remember, the UK has no written constitution; what the constitution says is essentially what the government of the day says it says. Nor is there any real freedom of the press. When a scandal erupts involving the police or intelligence agencies, it will probably never appear at all. If it does, the Home Office will give it a couple of days, then order the Press Council (the "private" government-controlled censorship bureau) to shut it down and go find a royal sleeping with the wrong partner.

The only reason the wanton killing of a Brazilian youth by trigger-happy cops made the papers at all was that it involved a foreigner and the foreign press kept the story alive.*

IMHO, if you want an example of a kind, gentle and understanding police force, look to the Gestapo. The British cops make them look like nice guys.

*Press control in the UK has a long history. When H.R.H King Edward VII was planning to marry an American divorcee, the only country not up to the eyeballs in the juicy story was the UK. American newspapers and magazines imported into the UK had whole sections cut out before being delivered, and the British press agreed "voluntarily" not to run the story.

You can't say that knowledge itself is evil. That is even worse than saying that a certain object is evil. I hope nothing comes of this, it's another step back for Britain.
IMHO, if you want an example of a kind, gentle and understanding police force, look to the Gestapo. The British cops make them look like nice guys.

Hell, the British Empire invented the term "concentration camp"...
"Home Depot" guns are cool an all. I would much rather have a nice PDF of building something like a sten, even if it required more serious tools.
Honestly, I don't think linking that book on here is so wise. To many people on the internet have bad intentions and could use that information to harm someone. So I tentatively say, "IBTL".


Kitchen, what other areas would you have that same 'may be used by people with bad intentions' rule to apply?

It seems to me that idea means you'd be in favor banning ALL guns because someone may use them with evil intent.

It seems to me that idea means you'd be in favor of banning all computers, because hackers use computers to steal personal information.

Same with phones. That's how a lot of people are scammed as well. Let's outlaw phones too.
Man the UK is really getting scary. It just so ironic that a country who got kicked around by Hitler is heading down that same path. Too many Brits died stopping Hitler for their own country to be taking away freedoms like this. I don't understand why the UK citizens put up with it. It’s all really disturbing to me.

Guns aside, this really isn't a gun issue at all, it’s just one of the symptoms of a country trying to get a strangle hold on its citizens freedoms. It’s all very 1984 with the cameras everywhere there.

The degree that people’s lives are being micromanaged is scary. I read one story about a woman being forbidden to have a child’s wading pool in her yard, it was just too dangerous.

I guess this is how oppressive governments, and eventually, revolutions start.

for your information KITCHEN the US gov put out a book on how to MAKE BOOBY TRAPS- HOW TO MAKE GUNS-HOW TO MAKE EXPEDIENT BOMBS. and more.they are widely sold.if your scared dont post on here.I am well aware that the gov scans these sites as we are considered dangerous.
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