Guns for vasectomies

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I can't BELIEVE that nobody has suggested a pump-action!

"Where there are guns, even minor feuds often escalate into events that claim lives," said a police official who did not want to be named.

Well, isn't the whole point of the exercise to reduce the population? Just sayin...
if the doctor is going to miss in the vasectomy thing..ohh no I don't want a gun lol lol
Well India is trying to control their population this is definitely one way of doing so, Vasectomies and putting more guns in peoples hands- :D
Okay, Boys . . .

Any way to salvage this thread?



Gun rights? Gun control?

Something outside the locker room?
An interesting idea. Sort of a reverse-gun-buyback. I like it!

Think we can arrange to go give Wal*Mart gift cards or a pair of sneakers to the cops in exchange for some of the treasures they've collected from war widows?
* Sigh *

And so concludes this intellectual discussion of gun rights and gun control in a foreign land.

We really must do this again some time.

It was so informative and illuminating.
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