Guns of November

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We are headed for tough times no matter who wins the election.

After the election we can be Socialists without guns, or free people with guns, your choice, but we will have tough times.
Stupid me, being from Vermont where October is bow and arrow season for deer and seeing Guns of November title, I thought people would be showing their deer hunting rifles. Cause November is firearm season for deer here.

"Scoped, bolt action rifles, able to shoot long distances" the next ones that get mislabeled "evil".
I tend to agree with the "tin foil helmet" comments above and worry about the SHTF maniacs out there but the fact that I do enjoy firearms as a hobby means that I spend at least some time each month at my local gun shop. The owner there has seen a steady increase in the number of handguns and shotguns that he sells and I can personally see that his stocks of ammo have drawn down. I have never been one to keep a really accurate inventory of my ammo supplies and I felt a need to go out and see just what I do have on hand and then start buying a few boxes here and there to stock up.

I am not concerned with my own ability to buy any new guns should we see a return of the AWB, I spent time and money when it went away building my personal stash of guns. I do think that we are in for higher prices on ammo and any type of magazine fed weapon that looks or smells military in nature. I even had a very stable, non reactionary friend call me and ask if I could steer him towards a good choice on a rifle for his home in the event that things get dicey.

I think things will change for the worse in the US but I dont think we will have a mob of mutant zombies roaming the streets either. Now the non mutant type zombies, thats a real possibility but definitely not the full blown mutants.

I think things will change for the worse in the US but I dont think we will have a mob of mutant zombies roaming the streets either. Now the non mutant type zombies, thats a real possibility but definitely not the full blown mutants.

Wrong, we already have mobs of mutant zombies roaming the cities of this great nation - the hoards of liberal socialist/communists Obomanation followers that want to 'redistribute' the savings of people that lived by the rules to people that over extended themselves with cars and houses they could not afford or are lazy good for nothing low lifes.
I didn't panic the last time there was an assault weapons ban coming down the pike. I got a lot of the same advice posted above. I live in CA, I'm screwed now.

So.... Yes, I'm looking for a Sig 556 and an AR to round out my collection before I can't get them anymore.
Tommy Gun said:
I won't drink the Obama Kool Aid!
But you seem perfectly comfortable with the McCain flavor. Apparently you aren't too clear on HIS stance on firearms, either.

Tommy Gun said:
I also think a "one party rule" federal government will be disastrous for the economy.
Yeah, like the two-party status quo has done so well.
Sheesh. Talk about koolaid!
McCain spoke to the NRA this May in Louisville, KY. His position was very clear; The 2nd amendment is to be honored not interpreted by judges! The NRA president Wayne LaPiere has heartily endorsed Sen. John McCain and I doubt Sarah Palin will trade in her rifle either since she is an NRA lifetime member.
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I am pretty much all set. But I do want an open sight rifle. Either semi-auto or lever action. And I think that will be it. I can't get that Browning BLR out of my mind.
Now just get into reloading and saving some cash in the long run.
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