Gunsafe in the garage so far so good.

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Oct 27, 2010
Austin TX
I have my giant gunsafe in my garage and I have been working on the best way to keep the humidity low inside it. I bought two hydrometers and keep one inside the safe and one on the outside of it. Its raining for the past 40 hours so I checked the meter that's on top of the safe it reads 70% humidity and I open the safe and it is 48.5% inside. I have two 18" golden rods, two passive Evadry desiccant units and a mini dehumidifier plus I put a lamp in the safe that has a 60 watt bulb that I leave on all the time. I think im safe at 48.5% humidity. What do you think?
I would look at active systems inside the case, as well as a fan to keep air circulating. Also, if your power goes out, do you have a backup system?

Good luck!

48% humidity inside that safe while sitting in a poorly insulated garage while it's raining outside is more than good enough.
Relax and have a beer on me.
"on top of the safe it reads 70% humidity"

That's a low-humidity environment compared to my basement. I believe the 2 GoldenRods are more than enough. If the air in the safe stays a degree or three wamer than the air in the garage the moisture won't stick to/condense on the guns.

The actual humidity reading doesn't matter. It's the temperature difference that matters. I used to have 2 gauges 10 or 15 years ago, and a tub of dessicant and a big box of the stuff. I kept the 2 GoldenRods.

The air inside of the safe will eventually match the air outside the safe if no precautions are taken and you give it enough time. Temperature is a perfect example. If you have several days of 30 degree weather and the next day it's 50 degrees, the inside of your safe should still be close to 30. The problem starts when you open that door, and all of that 50 degree air hits those 30 degree guns and condensation forms on them.

Just make sure you give your safe time to adjust.
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