Gunstore cowboys & other idiots, Part XXXVI

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Feb 20, 2003
Sure, this is well-covered ground, but I love the stories everyone has to tell about the various characters one comes across in the shops. I mean, I don't know about y'all, but I think the shopping is half the fun.

So anyhow, I took a walk today, to the only downtown gun store. I was looking for the (seemingly elusive) Kahr that I've wanted to pick up for a while. They didn't have it - no suprise - but I continued to nose around anyhow.

In walks the first of two goofballs. Goofball A is a private security guard. I know this because he is wearing a private security guard outfit, and because he has every single possible accessory on his web belt. We're talking mini- and full-size Maglite pouch, cuff pouch, heck... there might have even been a portable mess kit and the Tactical Olive Drab Field Toilet Paper Dispenser on that thing, it was so loaded down. The only thing missing from his Complete Uniformed Private Security Person outfit was - you guessed it - a firearm. :D

Well, the fella asks to see a Kimber Pro 1911, and when the shop guy handed it over, he started er... pointing it at things, including me. He was kind of holding this thousand-dollah piece like you see in the movies, sort of a Weaver-meets-confused-puppy, head-cocked to one side sort of thing. He quickly dry fired it several times, but at this point I walked into the other room in the store because I'm not crazy about having knuckleheads point pistols at me. :banghead:

On my way out of the store I see knucklehead #2 (and knuclehead #2's girlfriend) have come in. Don't get me wrong, here. I'm not one to preach about anybody's politics. You don't have to like mine, I don't have to like yours. Even if your politics include tattoos and patches indicating that you are a proud member of the Aryan race, as his did. Yes, in walked a kid who fancied himself a nazi.

Like I said, I was on my way out the door at this poiint, but I noticed that he and she were very interested in the Intratec 9mm nd the used Tomcats in the case... the stuff down at the cheap end of the counter. This taught me that a) Gang bangers come in a variety of colors and b) Stupidity crosses color lines.

So that was MY lunch hour today. Anyone else?

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Hey Rick

Hey Rick,
Funny/scary post. I see them all the time. By chance were you talking about Central Guns? Reminds me of the last time I went to Butch's. I walked in and there was a bunch of asian guys draped all in Red (must have been their favorite color) helping their one caucasian girlfriend decide on a couple of pistols over in the Jennings and Raven counter. I didn't stick around there to see if they actually sold her the two guns. Picked up a couple boxes of bullets and CLP and left.
I walked in and there was a bunch of asian guys draped all in Red (must have been their favorite color) helping their one caucasian girlfriend decide on a couple of pistols over in the Jennings and Raven counter. I didn't stick around there to see if the

While I don't want to sterotype - my wife is Asian - this does seem to be a good example of a "straw" purchase. Can the business do anything in this type of situation to not allow the sale?
Rick, I met his buddy the other day. He came in and looked at the Glocks under the counter glass, then moved down to the end and looked at the used guns. He then goes back out to the parking lot, in full view of everybody in the store, and says something to the female in the car. She comes in and asks to buy a S&W .38 that's in the used gun case without looking at the used guns. When she was told that the penalty for a Straw purchase she just turned and walked out to the car. The guy gets a bit animated, she shakes her head in the negative and he heads back in. He wants to know why the girl can't buy him a "gift" without a hassle. When he's told the girl was only told it was illegal to purchase a gun for a prohibited possesser, he just looked at the person behind the counter and asked how they knew he was prohibited. She told him she didn't until the girl walked out and he came back in to ask how she knew. We all just shook our heads and snickered as they drove out of the parking lot.:scrutiny:
While I don't want to sterotype - my wife is Asian - this does seem to be a good example of a "straw" purchase. Can the business do anything in this type of situation to not allow the sale?

Yes, they have the right, if not the obligation, to refuse that sale.
In the ATF rulebook it states that a dealer can refuse a sale for any reason what-so-ever. The ATF also recommends denying the sale if even the slightest thing seems odd. If I were that dealer, given that short description, I'd be leaning towards deny...

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