H2h--Part 1

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Mar 13, 2003
I am not too sure how easy this can be done without personal instruction, but I will try to put down how I teach the essentionals of unarmed combat.
The basic principle of British Commando hand to hand--which is what this is based on-- is to launch the first series of blows.
As several WW2 and beyond British Army books state, even a highly trained, larger opponent can be defeated provided that the good guy attacks first and keeps attacking until the threat is no longer a threat.
While we cannot go around hitting people who MAY be a threat to us, we can intercept the attack as soon as the BG makes any forward motion towards us.
Mental attitude is also critical, more so than anything else.
As Applegate wrote long ago, the purpose of unarmed combat is to knock out, maim or kill.
As my old man pointed out many years ago, it does not matter what you do but how you do it that counts.

1) The Drop Step.
Much has been written about this and it must be mentioned, but not for the reasons why many think.
To make a long story short, the drop step happens naturally, provided that you begin with your weight forward (the easiest way to do so is to stand as we did in the point shooting class, both toes to the target and the rear heel slightly raised)
and that you move INTO the opponent.
One of my first brawls was when I worked rock concert security at Radio City Musical Hall in the fall of 1980.
I was a rookie CO and was hired by a security firm who hired all types of LEO's for moonlighting gigs.
My first one was a Grateful Dead concert ( need I say more?)
Anyway, I went after a "fan" and suddenly found myself "off balance" to the front, courtesy of the drop step that I did not know had a name until years later.
I recall thinking to myself while I was off balance,
"Oh my God, I messed up") but immediately grabbed him around the neck and threw him down with a modified kickback throw.
So..learn it so when it happens you will not be surprised, OK?

I like to teach it with a knee kick drill, which goes as follows...
Assume the basic point shooting stance..
Left foot in front, toes to the target, rear heel slightly raised, hands in a "boxing" position but open, as if saying, "Easy, easy, I don't want any trouble" ( Got that little saying from April Williams, BTW)
Suddenly throw your hands up high ( which may or not distract him) and step in with the lead (left) foot until you are off balance to the front.
To get back on balance throw a full powered knee kick with the rear leg, making sure to curl your toe DOWN and arch your back.
After the kick do NOT pull your leg back, but rather follow through and land with your kicking leg forward.
All of this should feel and look as graceful as an elephant, because in an actual fight the reptile part of out brain takes over and we tend to move in herky/jerky motions---which the FAS system takes into account and uses to it's advantage.
Now do the same kick with the new rear leg, which should be your left.
Finally do this in an alternating fashion while kicking your training partner accross the room.
This is a good way to experience the Forward Drive that so many others have mentioned to be an essetional part of WW2 combatives.
Finish up with a LEAD leg knee kick as follows..
Have your training partner stand with his hands FIRMLY covering his family jewels.
Your left foot should be advanced, for a righty.
Somp your REAR foot right in back of your left heel and use that motion to drive your left knee ( remember to curl your toe downward) into his "lower stomach" ( as the prim and proper Brits called it.)
It has tons of power, as your partner will attest to.
Practice this combo back and forth a few times always finishing the sequence with a lead leg knee kick.
Note..for a very tall man this one technique will serve hiom well for 90% of fights that he may find himself in.
A natural follow up would be a downward chop or hammerfist to the crown of the skell's head.

More to follow..
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