had a twofer this morning

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Jun 23, 2003
Was sitting in a picked cornfield about 50 yds from a tree line waiting for a deer at around 5 this morning, full moon, beautiful sunrise, was behind a hunting blind, all wrapped up, rifle on lap, hands in thick mittens, from off to my right comes a large coyote at a fast pace. He was parallel to me before I could get hands out of mittens and rifle up, he saw movement, was gone gone gone. I shook my head, wasn't there to shoot coyotes anyway. Ten minutes later another one comes on the same line as the last but slower. I was ready, hit him at about 60 yds with a 150g sp 30-30, he spun and ran, stopped after ten yds, I hit him again. He went down but was far from giving up. I took out my backup pistol (Wather PP .32)and shot him in the head. Didn't phase him. Next shot in the ear did phase him. I dragged him to the truck, reorganized my stuff, got my climbing stand and went about a half mile in the woods, found a very suitable opening with an overlooking pine tree, went up thirty feet and got comfortable. After about an hour and a half I heard a deer coming, large doe, stepped out at about 75 yds. One shot to the chest, she didn't move. Finally got her out of the woods and to my truck, just finished packing up the venison and putting it in the freezer. Not a bad day. This is my second deer in a week, I'm done for the season. I will be back tomorrow after the coyotes.

Bigger gun!

Sounds like you have enough gun for deer, but that was one tough coyote. BTW, congrats on the twofer.
Congrats on the twofer!! I got three deer in one day a couple season ago here in WI that was nice. That was a lot more venison that I could use so I gave some to the food shelf.

Did that happen in one of the fields near Pea Ridge Road? Tim Shumate got a 7 point there yesterday morning. The buck's antlers had pretty good mass and dressed out just under 200 pounds.
I've been doin pretty good. Been doing some hunting on TVA land there in Green Briar Cove. Lots of does; on opening day, I counted no less than 8. 5 of them still had fawns, two still had spots!

My neighbor said the same thing. He's gonna take a few this year.

I'll bet you were on that corn field across the road from the Wilson's. They do that corn maze thing every year at Halloween.

I'm glad you did not pass on the Coyote thinking that it would ruin your day of Deer hunting. congrats.
Please excuse this stupid question.

What do you do with the coyote after you shoot it?
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