Hang fire safety

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A real hang-fire is almost so rare with modern boxer primed ammo as to be right up there with Unicorns and the Easter Bunny.

And yet we have numerous reports of it happening in this thread alone. I've seen it myself, with a 12 gauge load fresh from the store.
I had several in a lot of old 303 BRIT POF ammo from the mid 50's. Some wuld take forever to go off (in reality most of them took less than a minute but felt like a long time:)) but they all did eventually fire. Like 20 out of 150 rounds. It actually got me used to the hangfire safety procedure long ago.:D These days I wait 30-40 seconds with a .22 round and call it a dud, then eject it and go on. I personally have never had a .22 hanngfire on me in at least 100,000+ rounds downrange.YMMV
Thanks to all for sharing your experiences. I have not seen a hangfire in my 50+ years of shooting but do believe I will follow recommended safety precautions. Yes, I realize the danger is primarily when a round is being ejected, action unlocked and the round isn't clear of the barrel. The potential danger time would be short but I'm not an odds player. Thanks again and safe shooting:)
Hope I'm not thread jacking but I have on occasion had my pistol fail to lock back on empty, but since there is no loaded chamber indicator I had to just assume it was a hangfire and wait (although all incidents were not hangfires). Am I being paranoid? Is this a common issue or should I investigate it further. Of course I'm not doing self defense training so I prefer to air on safe side
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