"Happy slapping"

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Apr 21, 2005
'Happy Slapping' Craze Worries British Officials

Cell phones with cameras are all the rage these days. In fact, you may very well have one yourself.

But now there's a disturbing new trend emerging with the way some teens overseas are using these phones to videotape themselves slapping innocent bystanders.

The pictures may be a little fuzzy, but the pain is real in a disturbing and bizarre violent craze that's gripping many British teenagers.

"Happy slapping is essentially a violent crime caught on camera," says Andrew Buckingham, from a victim support group.

Indications that "happy-slapping" may be spreading. British transport police investigating 200 incidents in the last six months.

Most, they say, go unreported.

And because more teenagers are using phones with video capacity, and more can use phones to videotape their victims.

The attackers then upload the video straight from the phone and onto the web, where there are dozens of images of slap-hapless victims.

"They want to capture the immediate effect, the immediate reactions of the victims of crime, the shock, the surprise," Buckingham says.

Authorities say the craze was born in the club music scene, before catching on in school playgrounds.

Police were hoping to capture teens on closed circuit tv as they do other violent criminals, but the offenders are using public spaces, public transportation, like London's famed double-decker buses.

Now with half of 7 to 16 year olds owning phones, parents and authorities are hoping the new craze stops before the violence evolves into something even worse.


The UK has roving bands of criminals going around attacking innocent people at random, and they also have very strict gun control. Coincidence? I think not.
Those idiots were considering banning picture phones as a remedy to happy slapping.

Only in Europe can thugs brazenly assault people in broad daylight and take photographic evidence of their commission of the crime and get away with relative impunity. Coming soon to America if the self defense banners have their way.
I think too many people are taking Charlie Murphy's Hollywood Stories too seriously. Everyone is trying to be like Rick James, but there's only one Rick James. What did the 5 fingers say to the face?...SLAP!

Seriously though, these ID10ts try this in the US, someone's gonna get double tapped.
Definitely. If this happens to me I will shoot first and deal with the legal proceedings later. I remember a few years ago people were doing this in LA and DC, but for some reason I have the feeling this fad won't be coming to Florida :D
someone is going to

say it; so i'm not to sure shooting someone for a slap, unless they are much larger than yourself will go over to well.
that said because of work i am "downtown" often without a firearm so the happy slapper better be able to out run me or i'll set on them, grab their ears and pound their head into the sidewalk untill they are no longer a threat or the cops show up.
I think it's perfectly morally justifiable to shoot someone(s) who is attacking you to death. I know I wouldn't feel a shred of remorse. That would put a quick end to this nonsense :fire: Unfortunately, morality and legality are not always the same thing :(

have you ever had a 250lb. guy set on your chest and slam the back of your head into the concrete? it don't take long to make it look like you where hit with a .45! and it will probably be easier to defend in court.
Give 'em a hug, the poor misguided lambs...

A 260 pound, fence post hauling, hay bale heaving, shovel running, wood cutting hug...

Least, that's what I'd do. For the children, after all. ;)

And if that don't work, give 'em a busted jaw, I hear idiots are best taught with negative reinforcement.


I hear idiots are best taught with negative reinforcement.

Negative reinforcement is the removal of an aversive stimulus to reward a behavior.
Exactly what I'm thinking. Negative reenforcement means taking away something that's unplesant.

Farnham, I think you mean positive punishment. It's not just some hippy PC term, it means when somebody does something bad you punish them.
No need to shoot them. Just take their cell phone away and bring it to the police. Then press charges for felony assault and bring a lawsuit.

We had a paintball incident in Anchorage a few years back where the shooters videotaped the whole thing. The only reason they didn't get shot is because they targeted drunk natives. Even so they were pushing it. If I saw someone appear to shoot a man in a driveby, complete with what appeared to be red blood coming out of them, I'd kill everyone in the car.
If you feel justified in drawing your weapon after being slapped in the face, you really need to re-examine whether or not you should be carrying a firearm.
^ Look up some of these videos. These people are not simply being "slapped in the face". Many times they are attacked by a large group of individuals and kicked etc.
I think the primary problem here is that you wouldn't know that it was a "happy slap" thing. You are just minding your business and say 1 to 6 people attack you. You've got no way of knowing it is "just a slap". Somebody will get shot if idiots try this much in the US.
"Mr Happy Slap, Meet Mr PR 24"

Mr. Happy Slap, meet:

Messrs. Smith & Wesson

Messrs. Sturm, Ruger & Company

Mr. Dan Wesson

Mr. "Raging Bull" Taurus

Ms. Lady Smith

Mr. Colt Trooper

I'm sure we can find many others to play along. . .
Look up some of these videos. These people are not simply being "slapped in the face". Many times they are attacked by a large group of individuals and kicked etc.

Agreed; it's more than a light slap to the face. I saw one long video on Arfcom that was beating after beating -- some mild, but still a beating.
He would first have to be fast enough to land the slap... (ive been a martial artist for nearly 20 years.. im pretty quick) After landing the punk on his back side, Id kindly smash his phone on the cement... then give him a swift kick in the face as I go about my business... Maybe toss In a comment something to the effect of... "something your daddy shoulda done a long time ago"
I saw that report on the news. The thing of it is that the people dont know what is going on. the slapper as i saw it would walk up from behind or other direction while the prospect is being distracted by the one with the phone. So just remember that and if your awareness is like it should be you should be able to avoid it completely.

A 260 pound, fence post hauling, hay bale heaving, shovel running, wood cutting hug...

Farnham... I dont think that they would target someone of your size anyway ;) It would make there videos have the impact it might if the person beat the crap out of them. I would love to see one try to slap you.. I would bring the popcorn and my pa-pa's lether razor strap. That always hurt :evil:
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