Has the V.A. asked you about gun ownership?

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Jun 29, 2004
Northern Illinois
I'm a Vietnam veteran and retired U.S. Army. Although I do not use the V.A. for routine health care services, I do go to a V.A. hospital once a year for a hearing exam (Severe hearing loss from being stationed next to a 8-inch howitzer unit in Vietnam may have something to do with it). On several pro-2A forums I have heard mention of V.A. doctors/hospitals asking about gun ownership but I have never had this happen to me. I do recall being asked routinely if I feel depressed, etc. but no mention of guns. I just wondered if such questions were only isolated incidents or if there really was something going on to routinely determine which veterans, or how many veterans own guns. BTW, if asked I would probably politely say we should stick to health care questions and that whether or not I own guns is none of their business, but I think that such an answer would be written down as a "yes".
i'm an Army retiree and 80 percent disabled vet. A few years ago i went back to the VA for my medical care. No one at the VA has ever asked me about gun ownership. i know numerous young and old disabled vets: Not one has ever been asked about gun ownership by the VA.

This may be an urban legend.
The only gun question was by my Ortho Surgeon. He asked me what I thought of his .22lr derringer he just picked up (and then removed it from his ankle holster!!!) lol

He's never asked me about any firearms that I may or may not own.
I was asked if I had firearms in the house at demob as the precursor question to "Do you feel depressed?" Because apparently I wasn't talking enough. Wasn't a VA doc though, some Army contracted head doctor.
I’m aware of no policy requiring the VA providers to routinely ask about guns. However, such question might be appropriate when evaluating a veteran with mental health problems.
Yep. They asked me a while back, when I was doing my initial registration/checkup I think. It really doesn't bother me too much. I just said "yeah". Then they asked are they stored safely and I said, "yeah" again. And that was it.

I use the VA medical facilities quite a lot and I have never been asked if I had guns.....chris3
Not once - never.

Mighta been just my experience but not a single other retiree that I know has mentioned it either.

Of course, I do take into account that I haven't been to a VA office since the push to address the tragic occurrence of suicides among veterans.
I have never been asked and I am at the VA quite often. The always ask the are you depressed or abused questions. The last time though I did hear a new question, "Do you fear you will be homeless within the next six months?". I was told that was the new one they have to ask now during triage.

I wonder if this is a question more likely to be asked us "new" vets? I mean Iraq and Afgan veterans.

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