Have You Ever Considered Abandoning Carrying a Firearm Because of Your Temperament?

Have You Ever Considered Abandoning Carrying a Firearm Because of Your Temperament?

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If you are in control of your life you do not allow the stupidity of others to make you stupid. If one cannot control his or her emotions when subjected to outside influences they should probably look inward before packing heat.
No, but I am not a "hot head". Not that that matters much most people that are would say they would be fine if other people would just "act right".

If you have been on forums long you can pick them out even though there is no face to face confrontation. Here on THR, agitators are ran off though.
I have actually had to realize that I am about the most frigid, stoic jerk I know. I just don't get worked up. I have worked this into my concealed carry classes, realizing most people probably do have moments when they should leave it home.

On the 26th of May, 2011, I returned home a bit early from Iraq because my dad was dying. My (ex) wife met me at the airport, and as soon as we got in the car, she told me she wanted a divorce. (Totally a surprise.) We went home, I got my 1911 out of the safe, checked it, and put it on to go see my dad. It occurred to me some time later that if there ever was a time I should leave it home, it was then. Likewise, if I can keep my head on through that, I can probably do it through anything.
I find that with a gun on my hip or in my waistband, I'm far more level headed. I find myself breathing a lot more when times get tense instead of reacting immediately.

The only times I'm not carrying are when I'm drinking or when I'm working or visiting family in Jersey.
Of course, the movement against Second Amendment rights is not just a threat to our capacity to defend ourselves physically against tyranny and discipline our government, if necessary, so that it remains a fit instrument for the self-government of a free people. It is also part of the much more general assault on the very notion that human beings are capable of moral responsibility.

Gun gun control advocates substitute things for people, but this approach won’t wash. It is the human moral will that saves us from violence, not the presence or absence of weapons. We should reject utterly the absurd notion that weapons are the cause of violence. We must recapture the noble view of man as capable of moral responsibility, and self-restraint. Purify the heart and we will not have to worry about the misuse of weapons. If we want to hold on to our heritage of liberty, we must first and foremost strengthen our confidence in our own moral capacity, and encourage such confidence in our fellow citizens. Only a people confident that it can behave like grown-ups will be justified in asserting its right to keep and bear arms, because it will be a people responsible to use them only in defense of ourselves and our liberty.

The Battle Hymn of the Republic played in my head while I read this... Bravo!

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My whole life, it seems the worse it gets, the calmer I get.
(Yes, there is something wrong with me.)

I don't get mad.
I have never completely lost my temper in my life.
I am not a fighter.
But I know how if I had too.

Anger never has entered my head in a crisis my whole life either
You start making bad mistakes when emotions enter into your decisions.

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The thought certainly has crossed many a mind after incidents in/with traffic,shopping,neighbors,relatives,co-workers, etc.

It's an extremely edgy and nervous world that we live in today. Tempers can rise and sometimes blow. Losing composure can happen in a instant even with the most settled personalities.

Your thoughts,THR? All replies are greatly appreciated.
My gun reminds me to keep my aditud and words in check.
Nope I'm more mildly mannered than your friendly neighborhood spiderman lol and half of the reasons I started crying is do to knowing some folk lose their porcelain plunkys at the drop of a hat bur in my experience these folk are also the ones you see posting stuff about "real men don't need guns" turns out they just don't want to get shot the next time they try and beat some ones head in for what ever special needs reason they have.
Interesting thread, but most likely anyone who SHOULDN'T carry due to temperment probably feels that they are totally in control at all times. And anyone who would answer "yes" to your poll would be very foolish to admit so on a public forum. Someday that post might be read back to them in a courtroom.
Not myself.

I recall reading here of someone that said they had tried to provoke a reaction from someone regarding something to do with a car, a slight of some sort, real or imagined, and them saying things about "they werent raised to ignore things like that" etc blah blah. The more he said, the more myself and others kept thinking (and posting) "THAT is somebody that REALLY shouldnt be carrying a gun". The individual couldnt seem to make that connection it seemed. I'm glad they live all the way across the country from me.
"they werent raised to ignore things like that"

I vividly remember it being common to read posts about a decade back where people openly admitted that if someone called their spouse a name they would escalate "because muh pride and her honor." And thinking in response that not only should that person not be carrying a gun, but that they ought to consider what it says about their "honor" that it's so fragile and easily impacted by a stranger in the first place.
A buddy of mine quit carrying for 3 very stressful years while he was working though some anger control problems. He simply didn't trust that he could manage his temper during that time and locked his pistols up. At the end of it he had a new appreciation for life and no further concern about what he might do if he got angry.
Happy Thanksgiving. :) Thank you all. A fine civil discussion on a difficult,emotionally charged subject.

HoosierQ's post #32 certainly resonated with me:

I think everyone carrying a firearm should at least consider this question. Carrying a firearm is in fact way more than the 4 rules and that which is beyond those 4 rules is very subjective and difficult. One must come to grips with all of that. One's temperament, reactions under stress, and other factors should figure in to the equation of "Do I carry or do I not"?

I think this sort of introspection is key to making sure that the most important safety feature on any gun is between one's ears.
Very good question!
As for me?

I'm 55 y/o & have never had the police called on me, nor have I ever acted in such irrational manner as to cause concern.

Not saying it can't happen, but I would guess at this point I'm pretty safe. :scrutiny:
I agree with what Deltaboy said,
Being armed has made me more aware of my temper , attitude ,and responses to people I enter act with.

When I was younger even though I didn't like to fight & I wasn't really quick tempered I did have some issues with anger. If someone pushed too much I had a tendency to push back. Interestingly enough I didn't have any desire to carry a gun at that time in my life.

I have only carried for the last 8 years & I'm 50 years old. My kids were what made me decide to start carrying because I want to be able to protect them if necessary. I voted no in the poll as I have been calm since the time I began to carry. I do believe part of being responsible is knowing ourselves & our temperament.
I've found that being armed has mellowed me out. I'm much less likely to get wound up about about idiot drivers, or folks that dont know when to keep their mouth shut.
In Illinois, road construction is a racket and there is always construction. That means lane closures. I always merge as soon as I see the lane closure sign. I fall in behind other drivers. But every single day without fail, I will encounter a driver who will race ahead and get to the point where he is actually running out of road and then he will force his way into the remaining lane.

I'm always thinking that every situation can either escalate or deescalate. So I just let inconsiderate selfish drivers in when that situation happens, and it happens at least once a week. I hardly honk my horn at all. I spend most of my time driving in the right lane and that way the commute doesn't turn into a road race with other drivers.

There are a lot of jerks on the road and I think road rage incidents happen when two of these jerks' paths cross.

Most people who do stupid things are myopic and don't think their actions forward.

If I get into a road rage incident over some such nonsense, I will lose my firearm and my CCL - just for starters. If I were somehow completely in the right, I'd end up spending thousands of dollars trying to get both back.

Instead of considered abandoning carrying a firearm because of my temperament, I've changed my behavior and habits and become more mindful of the responsibility and possible consequences and ramifications of carrying.
I voted 'Yes'.

At nearly 66 years of age, and noting a degree of 'forgetfulness', I am concerned about dementia. I have seen my doctor and been found okay - as far as anyone can tell. However, I can tell I'm not as physically able as I once was and I do have a growing arthritis problem. Without doubt, there will come a day when either mental or physical inability will prevent me from several things; among them driving an automobile and carrying a sidearm.

May God grant me a clean death prior to that eventuality.
It sounds like the real question is whether or not you carry on a "bad day" or not. IMO it's a judgement call but it seems most CPL holders are even keel based on the crime rate.
On the contrary; being armed keeps my temper in check, knowing that I bear lethal force capabilities beyond hands and feet, and that any altercation could be more serious from a legal standpoint, even if the gun never comes out.
When I decided to go armed

I began to cultivate a disconnect between my anger and my holster; carrying and presenting a weapon has nothing to do with anger, and never should.

I have no basic human right to express anger with a firearm, no matter what has happened.

The thirst in our culture for personal vengeance and overkill retaliation is quite insane. You can't carry it in your head or heart and be OK to carry a gun. Forfeit your "good guy" card; You're a nut with a gun. (It is possible to know exactly where the line is).

I do not refer to anyone trained to defend my freedom to this standard. But then again, standing down from this is a part of coming home. I do believe Once a Marine, always a Marine (or AODefender) and can live with that; by and large, I choose to trust you.

Carrying a firearm is not a sign of suppressed pre-psychotic rage, or intent.

I am personally too old (61, since we're telling) and afflicted with diabetic neouropathy to run from trouble any more. Flight is no longer an option. Fight has nothing to do with anger; anyone who has ever trained for a gunfight knows that when you are angry, you make mistakes. ("...to pull a trigger." "Or not.").

OP: My temper has been trained out of the equation. It's one of the first things you learn to do; like looking at the front sight. (Beyond the 4 rules...)

Observation: I believe carrying a gun requires a great deal of self-control (and we discovered this when we started doing it). Pay attention to how many of us are telling you we become cooler and MORE aware (of our responsibility) not less since we carry. I can't think of much else in my adult life that has required me to learn more self-control...

"It is a grave mistake to confuse the flash of anger with the heat of battle..."

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