Have you run across women who have their CCW permits?

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Dec 26, 2002
We were at Victoria's Secret last night, and one of the cashiers was talking about her carry permit.
Now that is cool! :cool:

I was at my dentist, after Christmas, and the technician was asking how my Christmas was.
I told her that my wife had got me a shotgun.
She said "Is it for hunting, or home defense?". :eek:
A girl that even knows the term "home defense" is beautiful in my book.
She went on to explain that she has her carry permit, and has a Titanium .38!
Sometimes life is good.

Have you ever run across a female who has their CCW?
State os SC.....

I work for the State of South Carolina...... two of the women in my office (of about 20) have their CWP.... heck, they even had theirs before I had mine!!!!!
Yes, I see her often.

My wife has her permit when I got mine and she CCW when necessary. Shot a 49/50 on qualifing with a Beretta 96. To bad she is not a shooter though. Maybe I can get my daughter to go shooting with me when she is older.
Got a buddy of mine hooked up with one of my wife's friends while we were in Richmond. Went on the dbl date, then back to the apartment to watch movies ;) Girl stands up, turns a 360 and asks me "what do you think?" I hold off my initial response and instead reply with a carefully thought out - "huh?". She turns and asks again. I regretfully tell her that I don't understand what she wants me to say. She promptly presents her Glock 29 that she had just purchased from a IWB holster and she was very proud that she had carried it all night without me noticing.

The guy she was with freaked out and left shortly after.

I thought it was pretty cool myself.

And oh geesh...

I'm left alone with two gun lovin' chicks...


...his loss.


My lovely missus packs a Kahr P9 24x7... well, almost 24x7. She was followed home and blocked in by some jerk who wanted to critique her driving. Her cellphone call to the local PD solved that problem, but she realized how vulnerable she was.
I'm married to one.

Other than her I probably know about a dozen others who have a CCW. And I probably know many more who have one but I don't know that they do (many of our friends are the self reliant type).

I used to assist in CCW courses. Many times we had a ladies class only...and I being the southern gentleman I am, always offered my personal help with the ladies at the range. I also managed to do that in mixed gender clases too.

In my defense some were classmates, their mom's or people I knew...
Actually I know more women with a permit than men. That's not to say that they have any real interest in firearms, but they do in self protection. That is not to say that they are not capable with their pistols though. From my experience, a woman will learn to shoot well faster than a man, simply because less is expected of her.
Lessee - - -

- - -Probably not over five or six who carry 'most ALL the time, and another dozen who keep a pistol in the car AND at home.

My wife packs a Kel Tec most of the time, unless for deep cover, for which she has appropriated my P32. When visiting family in Houston, she supplements with a .45 auto . . .

Other friends - - -
One carries a Glock 27 when out of the house.
Two others carry J-frame .38s.
Still another doesn't fool with the small stuff-- A G17 and a spare mag.

There are few more, but I don't know from week to week WHAT they carry, but there's something handy.

I like it. ;)

Sure, they work for me. One does not need one as she can kill you with a look (and not even take the Marlboro Light out of her mouth), the other, a Chen veteran is "O.K." with a pistol, but more comfortable with a radio--"Zo Eye Kann Akcess berry beeg goon [mortar tubes].":uhoh:

This cuts down on the amount of audible sarcasm here at the office.:D
I was chatting with a girl a few weeks ago about the new TN drivers license. She wanted to compare her 'old one' with my 'new one.'

She pulled her carry permit out instead on accident. (Drivers license and carry permits look very similar in TN) I started laughing while looking at it and asked her not to shoot me. She was confused until I pointed out to her that she gave me her permit instead of her license. (She'd been using her permit for ID instead of her license. OOPS!)

She then told me about her .25 at which point I tried to encourage her to get a .32 or a .22, and lose the .25.

We're to go shooting together sometime soon. :)
You may very well be right. I taught my wife how to shoot a handgun years ago. When she shot reqularly, she routinely outshot most men that I took to the range.

The biggest problem that I have teaching men to shoot is that many men feel that they should know this skill from birth. It is like "O.K., I have a penis, I can also shoot". On the other hand, many women look at it as just another skill, and nothing else.

my dear mother was one of the first in line here in Texas to get her CHL.

I have an aunt on my father's side who also has acquired one recently (she lives in Galveston :scrutiny: )

If I ever get the fiance to learn to handle a handgun, I'd like for her to get a CHL. One step at a time I guess.
In a nice turn of events . . .

a young lady who works with my wife (the two have become friends) told her that she carried. My wife, whom I am trying to convince to come shooting with me (the carry part will come later) started laughing and told her friend that she could no longer talk to me. Ahhhh, my wife will come around eventually.
Several years ago I worked in a business.......

that required a lot of travel (driving) in rural, remote areas of the state. A lot of my colleagues were women and all who traveled had concealed handgun licenses and carried. It was well known and no big deal. Good shooting;)
I dated a woman several years ago who had her permit. I found out when we went out for our first date. Since I lived in the barracks at the time and she couldn't carry on post, she had to pull the derringer from her cleavage (yep, you read it right), put the gun in the glove box, and leave her truck outside the gate. Good ole southern belles, gotta love 'em.

Well, when I started this post, I forgot to mention my wife.
Oops! :uhoh:
When we married, she thought I was a gun nut. :D
Well Duh!
After a few years of pointing out the truth in media stories to her, explaining how the Clinton Democrats were steadily imposing gun control, and reading the self-defense stories out the NRA magazine to her, she finally came around.
Now she has her permit, and two guns of her own. :cool:

My dealer is a female, who taught my wife's class, and has her permit.

After taking my daughter shooting a few times, she is thinking about getting hers.

I went through my carry course with a friend from work, and his wife.
She got her permit, as they didn't want to spend money on two at one time.
(That particular carry course was free, but the permits are $150 each, I think.)

Another friend at work went to NYC with his wife and her mom.
(The Mom doesn't have her carry permit.)
While in line to tour the Statue of Liberty, the mother-in-law's purse had to be searched. The nice policeman reached in her purse and pulled out a .38 derringer. :eek:
Well, as she was in her 70s, they let her go, but I think she was photographed, finger printed, etc.
My friend said the cops, (maybe park police?), had a lot of fun with them, and were decent guys and gals.
And, they kept the gun.

Yes, guys, I love southern women. :)
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