HD shotgun condition (chamber empty, etc)

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Foriegn Matter?

Well there is a bit of dust that settles onto the gun's sight lens cover if I leave it too long without a regular once over.

I dont have coffee anywhere near the weapons.

Fumble factor is a real thought. A great thing to consider.

One thing I hated from trucking during emergency situations was that 4 foot steering wheel became something smaller than a child's toy wheel with about as much less precision as well. Or perhaps the controls became very tiny and hard to manipulate. And I MEAN TINY. With fingers and hands suddenly 4 times the size and inertia.

That is why I dont buy small guns if I can help it. Find myself all over the Mossberg on both ends sometimes. But to the wife my remington 870 is like trying to handle a Home depot sheet of 3/4 inch plywood.

Fumble. Yes. But can be managed.
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