he started young....

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Oct 25, 2007
c-ville va
so my mother finally got a scanner and i finally got to start scanning pictures into my computer. part of the lot to be scanned are the piles of pictures that my dad was given when his step mother finally passed away. most of the pics are him from childhood. but when i was going throw the box last night, picking out the first batch, i noticed that in a good half of the pictures, dad has a toy gun in hand!
Now i know my dad loved his toy guns as a kid. he has told me about the sock drawer that he empted for his toy pistols and the spot in his closet to set his toy rifles. he told me about playing war in the naighborhood with his buddies. in fact, when his dad would get home for work, he would jump out and pretend to be a jap or nazi soilder taking a bullet and dieing most dramatically. Play like this is so frowned upon today, that i thought i would share some pictures of how things used to be..... well, and cause some of them are pretty funny! :D


baby kerry and his mother (could someone take a closer look? we think they might have been somewhere and stood him up with a real rifle...)


Kerry and his cousin.


Kerry and his baby brother, Kevin. Apperantly dad refused to go anywhere without his cowboy outfit on, at that age, so his mother had to wash it every night!


any guesses who's on top of the cannon?


family pic, kerry's got his gun....


water cooled machine gun, anyone?

does this picture even need a caption?

and he hasn't changed to much. except now the guns are real and are no longer in a sock drawer.....

note: sorry about the size. the last pic has a link to the photo hosting. it won't let me make them bigger.
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Hmmm I don't mean to nitpick, but I think you linked the thumbnails and not the actual pics. I'm just seeing tiny tiny tiny little versions of the pics.

I had the same problem, but the last pic came up allright.
You make me feel old. Your Dad is just a few years older than me it appears. I knew the time period looked just like home. Including the Christmas tree. Love the mustache. Wonderful!!!
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