heartwarming TX story

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Feb 8, 2006
I catalyzed an interesting discussion at a bar the other night. I was in Houston, on business with two hyperliberal woman coworkers from New York. We were talking about nothing in particular since as you'll find out we didn't have much in common to discuss. I guess they were sort of bored. Can't blame them, I really didn't know much about the TV shows and pop culture that seemed to fascinate them so. Fortunately a gentleman seated himself nearby, and one of the women asked him if he was from Texas:

Texan: "Yes, ma'am. Why do you ask?"
Woman: "You don’t look like you're from Texas"
T (laughing) "What am I supposed to look like?"
W "I thought you'd be wearing boots or a hat or something"

Clearly my coworkers aren't the most enlightened people. After they discussed the nice weather and other fascinating subjects -- "is it always this warm in November?" -- they started talking about other Texas stuff. People from New York are often totally amazed when they find out the rest of the country isn’t just like NY. Anyway I saw an opening for some entertainment:

V35: Tell them how you can buy a gun in Texas.
Tex: There's a good shop just down the street. I bought one from them last week. Nice folks.
Woman (shocked) You have a gun? ?
T: I have a few. I have a fair number of rifles.
W: You have A LOT of guns? Do you have one on you? Now?
T: Why? Would it make a difference?
W: Aren't you afraid you're going to hurt someone?
T: (laughs) Why? A lot of people have guns.
W: A lot of people? Why do they need them? Aren't they going to get hurt?
T: No. They keep us safe. We're very safe here. I don't worry about being away when my wife has guns in the house. A lot of people have guns in Texas.
W: Your WIFE has a gun?
T: She has a few. I have to travel a lot on business. I don't worry about her when I'm away.

It went on like this for a while. At one point one of my enlightened coworkers made a characteristically brilliant observation "they should tax bullets ten thousand dollars a piece that way no one could afford to shoot anyone." To his credit Tex remained patient. He started to tell her about one of the recent attempted TX robberies that ended badly for the robbers thanks to the armed homeowner / business proprietor. Eventually he got to other stories including the one about one of his sons who is a champion marksman and is now in Iraq, and how much he enjoys shooting with his eleven year old grandson. He kept the libs in rapt attention.

One of the women eventually said to the other "why don't we have guns? It makes a lot of sense." The other woman agreed.

I wish I could have been the one making the convincing arguments, but I suck at interacting with small minded idiots.

God bless Texas!
I'm so glad I went to college in Texas.

When I travel internationally on business, when someone asks where I'm from I answer "I'm from Texas, ma'am" (if it's a lady). Only occasionally do I say "I'm from the States."

Lots of other cool States but Texas is definitely one of 'em.
Another God Bless Texas and that one Texan in particular.
I'm a native Texan, but I had a similar situation happen a while back in Ireland. I went back there there on a vacation about a two years ago. One of my best friends from Heidelberg American High School who is from Leeds, England and his Japanese fiance met me there. I lived in Europe for about 11 years when I was growing up and I stayed there until I was 24. My dad was a civilian DoD employee so I was kind of like an army brat. I lived in Heidelberg and some other cities in Germany.

So anyway, we were discussing politics and eventually got on the topic of guns and I somehow told my friends that I owned firearms (there was a fair amount of Guinness involved at this point too). They expressed shock, especially the Japanese girl. My British friend already knew to some extent that I owned firearms.

I explained to them that they should make no mistake that firearms are for defending one's Liberty if the need arises. I also used the prescient example of the Irish, since we happened to be sitting in a Dublin restaurant at the time. I asked them that if they were Irish, and were suffering under British rule as has happened in the past, would they have found it beneficial for them to be armed so that they could protect themselves, their families, their businesses, and homes? They did agree that this was something that they would definitely want to be able to do.
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