Heat Shield?

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Apr 5, 2004
What exactly does a "heat shield" do on a shotgun? I saw a Mossberg 590 in a shop not long ago equipped with one of these things, and I can't figure out why I'd want one. Is it a safety measure? Does it keep the barrel from overheating? What gives?
it keeps you from burning your hand by touching a barrel that has heated way up from a lot of rounds fired through it in a short amount of time.
That heat shield you saw is basically worthless, they're set up too close to the barrel. Sure it makes some difference, but not much. The only gun that really has a working heat shield is the Spas 12.

Why would you even worry about a hot barrel and burning yourself?
Reloading the gun to max capacity you might flip it over for ease of loading and your hand could come into contact with the barrel.
Hmm... I learned to reload at the police academy, and we never had to touch the barrel. It was quick and easy with practice. I generally see heat shields on "tactical" shotguns. Are there times when the gun is slung or something when the barrel inevitably comes in contact with your body, or is it just a general precaution in case there comes a time when you do or should touch the barrel?
IMHO it is just a hold over from the past - like bayonets ! In fact the heat shield was designed and first put on the model 1897 Winchester shotgun. In combat the barrels would get enough rounds through them to get hot and the heat shield was put on so that the soldier could use the gun ,with bayonet attached , without burning his hand. I don't view them as all that practical for use today - maybe some who use the shotgun to compete with have a use ?
I have raised a blister that will put your left thumb out of commission entirely for 2 weeks on a shotgun barrel, it was a mossy 500 and it bit me HARD. Granted the shotgun and ammo were free of charge, a 'generous' uncle Sam let me have some fun. Ever shot 600 rounds of magnum buckshot in less than an hour all by yourself? LOL, I am not nearly that tough anymore, as I get older and dumber things like that are less and less fun. Shot 1911's until blood dripped from both elbows a couple times too back then, beavertails are optional and ammo is on my dime now......

Heat shields are not just cosmetic, but circumstances where they are needed could easily be considered 'extraordinary'. The heat shield on 99.95% of shotguns are purely cosmetic. A 590 with bayonet fixed and the heatshield and all sure looks cool too.
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