Hell Just Froze Over ... Ill. allows Hunters' Ed in Schools

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Jul 8, 2012
Central Florida
Illinois passed a bill to allow kids in school to take hunters' ed. as part of the curriculum. Yes, THAT Illinois.

"Democratic state Rep. Monica Bristow stated, 'Hunting in Illinois is still very popular, and students can learn about hunting as a sport. Hunters have respect for guns,” she told Fox News, underscoring that the legislation stirred no opposition. “If people have to do the education course to obtain a hunting license anyway, why not be able to do this in school?' "

I looked at the calendar to make sure it wasn't April 1st when I read the story.

Some rare good news for my Illinois neighbors.
We had hunters ed in Iowa way back when I was in school, shot pellet guns in the gymnasium as part of it.
Wasn't even required for a hunting license then. Now that it is required few, if any, schools have it.
Small steps. Getting children interested in shooting is huge.

The politicians must have figured out a way to make money from it.

Armored farmer probably nailed it. Having recently visited Illinois, I realized the great outdoor sports potential that state has. Hopefully, some of the "downstate" effect will start to filter north.
I think schools having hunter safety course in schools is a great idea. I wish Pa schools offered that. I feel we would get many new little hunters that wAy.
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