hello 2nd amendment advocates

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The right to keep and bear arms ends not with a bang, but a whimper.

The pro-gun community is fractured and niche-oriented, the Second Amendment has been relegated to a "special interest" represented by a "gun lobby" and there is no evidence whatsoever of any Militia doing its job to secure our free state.
Only the future knows how this will go, when it will go, or if it will even go.

At the present time my crystal ball is only broadcasting in digital and I haven't gotten my box yet and the goverenment has run out of money to send me my $40.00 card.
Anti-gun cities such as Los Angeles, Chicago, New York and Washington DC have demonstrated over and over again that your safety is irrelevant when compared to their political ideology. They continue to pass laws that furthers their aganda which includes a total disarmament of the people. And while pushing for passage of such laws, they claim that their intent is to protect you from the very thugs that they allow to operate as a result of their failed ideology. In fact, they need criminals to shift the attention away from the fact that the laws are actually designed to protect politicans from law-abiding citizens.

Since the original intent of the Second Amendment is to protect the people against a tyrannical government, you can bet that gun owners, as we, will be the first to go.

As individuals we may feel insignificant and unable to stop the impending tidal wave of lost liberties. But, as a group, we can show our strength and demonstrate our willingness to preserve the ideology of our forefathers. The ideology of individual liberty which is where true progress lies. Without it, the United States would never have become the greates nation on earth.

God bless America!
Anyone who cares enough about their family and the fundamentals that this country was founded upon will fight for these freedoms that we are born with. A firearm is a privilege of which we have earned by being mentally stable and paying our taxes.
I love my country not for what it is now, but for what it was and still can be if our citizens do not choose to be the "cattle" that the liberals want us to be. We are United, but we should also be independant and make our own choices as to our family, our guns, and our lives. This is as long as we do not impede upon others in doing so; ie harming or killing others without just cause, or taking others rights away without just cause.
I have a serious problem with the "cattle effect" that government has on citizens. They play on people's fears and desires, so that they (Gov't) can do as they please without interruption from us. They weaken us gradually, so that one day we have no opinion; thereby eliminating "We the People".
This is why we (the remaining few that still have the ability to make conscious decisions) must not become the "cattle" if we wish to keep our rights and values.
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It's really simple guys - if they come in the night for that which you hold dearest, kill them. Period. End of story. Do you really want to be alive in a society that would permit what happened in Hitler's germany ? Read Unintended Consequences by John Ross
Anyone who cares enough about their family and the fundamentals that this country was founded upon will fight for these freedoms that we are born with. A firearm is a privilege of which we have earned by being mentally stable and paying our taxes.
No. It is not. A firearm is a birthright, given by God and protected by the constitution. Driving is a priviledge.

It's really simple guys - if they come in the night for that which you hold dearest, kill them. Period. End of story. Do you really want to be alive in a society that would permit what happened in Hitler's germany ? Read Unintended Consequences by John Ross
I think we can all agree to that, but "they" aren't going to come in the night for that which we hold dearest. "They" are going to slowly nibble away at that which we will only whine about until it is gone. "They" know that confiscating all guns is a surefire way to start a revolution, so a slow erosion of gun rights is the only way to accomplish the ultimate goal of disarming the public.
It is a birthright, you are correct. The way I tried to say it was that being citizens gives us this right, and most of us were born here. For those who were not born here, but are citizens, it would not be a birthright. It would be a privilege to them. Both right and both wrong. As far as mental stability I would hope you agree with me on the fact that people who are mentally or emotionally unstable should not be allowed to own/touch a firearm. But there lies a problem with that too, being that most of the people who decide whether one is mentally capable are liberals unfortunately.

I also agree that they will make it so gradual and scarcly noticable, that few of us will see it coming. They WILL NOT storm through our doors and try to take our firearms because

A- They would have one hell of a time doing so, think about it....

B-They are Liberals, they love peace

C- A full out ban on firearms will not be passed into law because it would mean changing the Constitution, and would be a near impossible feat to retrieve that many firearms from the clutches of our cold dead hands.
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