Hello Kitty guns?

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Apr 9, 2003
OK, I'm thinking this is just a (inside) joke started years ago that grew legs, and I just missed the beginning of it. But can anyone tell me why Hello Kitty is a popular motif to making guns look cute? Is it because somebody had a contest once to think of the most innocent and benign idea possible, and Hello Kitty won? Or is it just a joke that perpetuates itself? (Like the Chuck Norris jokes).

If it's Hello Kitty for the sake of Hello Kitty, I can understand. If it's "I wanted to choose something cute & cuddly", then one might think koala bears or Teletubbies would also be popular, but they aren't.
Ahh....I've seen those too. But between those shirts, the AK47 and AR15 pics out there with Hello Kitty, I didn't know which was first.

I think it's all down to timing. The people who hold the rights to "Hello Kitty" had it, while the "Care Bears" and "My Little Ponies" crowds didn't. It's not like a kitten with an AK is cuter than a unicorn with an AR.
People like to personalize their expensive, easily personalized goods.

Guns are pretty much ideal for it, it's usually a good idea to make your gun fit your needs, body, and style. It's no different than putting a set of grips that are better for your hands and look better on your pistol or revolver.
Probably just the most innocent, effeminate thing someone could think of and it snowballed from there.
My explanation for this is the same as for Hornady's Z-Max ammo: Americans love irony.

I believe you both hit the nail on the head...or kitty.
"kalashnitubby" aka teletubby
My name is Tele… Telenikov……. I’m just a teletubby that loves to sell guns!

“kalashnibob” “armalite bob” "armabob" aka spongebob

“long cat sniper”
Long cat takes up sniper duties! From his sky high view, he can see the enemy combatants several miles away.

“long long long long rifle” Long cat’s preferred weapon.:D
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Hello Kitty on guns: Because pink furniture is seriously the coolest looking thing ever. I'd like to get myself a pink Mosin....
When I met up with some fellow gunbloggers at a gathering in Reno, I made sure to wear my Kalashnakitty t-shirt so it would be easier for them to spot me as a fellow attendee. It worked.
My wife was called to the living room computer by my Nearly-10 year old daughter yesterday...

"Mom ! Mom LOOK!!!A Hello Kitty Rifle! !! (One of those coated AR platforms done in pink... )

She then showed Mom the Pistol done in the same way...

Then a Tank...

Show her a pink gun called a Cricket and she makes fun of people who own them, Put a Cute Japanese Icon on it and she gets excited.

Maybe I should have the .22 Bersa coated in Kitty for her...

Nah, she'd probably prefer Kuromi. (little bat friend of Kitty... don't ask me how I know this, just save yourself from the Daughters three)
It's mildly ironic for part of the appeal. THe other part I suspect is that you can buy hello kitty branded items that span a REALLY wide margin.

Sanrio has slapped thatimage on a TON of things for real. Counterfitters have slapped it on even more. Fans even more so. SO i supect another part of the humor comes form seeing what you can dress up in hello kitty branding before people don't have to wonder if it is real or not.
What's incredible is my wife and I were stunned to see a white outline style bumper sticker on a car this afternoon - Kalishnakitty, no stars, no words, but it was exactly that design.

Edit to add; Sisco, AWWWW! :)
LOL, theres an SRT-4 Neon running around here done Hello Kitty....I wonder if i could sneak one of those bummer stickers on to it......
The joke got legs when someone came up with kalishnakitty and made tee shirts.

My 6 yr old daughter, to my chagrine, wore this t-shirt to school the other day. Now I like the shirt, and I bought it for her, but the rule was not to wear it to school. She had another shirt over it, and at some point pulled it up. Luckily the teacher just told her not to wear it to school again, and there was no school staff freak out about it.
Pink guns started with the breast cancer awareness thing, then someone "cutsified" it according to my 9 yo. She really wants one of the Pink ARs.
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