Help: Dissolving solidified/gelled Corrosion-X?

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Nov 16, 2006
So, I've got a handgun which I had in storage for the last year, and before I put it in storage, I gave it a liberal spray of Corrosion X. The gun was then wrapped in oil cloth and placed in an old pot, and stashed away due to an inability to work on it at the time. It was subject to temperatures in the 10F to 90F range since that time.

Today I took the gun out and started to try and clean the old "corrosion inhibitor" off so I could start working on it. This dried goo is harder to get off than cosmoline! It actually has the consistency and color of only slightly-damp wood glues!

I've tried to melt it off (or rather, off the bottom of the pot by boiling water in the pot) to no significant avail. I've also tried to re-constitute it with some more Corrosion X. That worked a little bit, but again, it requires a lot of elbow grease.

So, does anyone have some pointers? Anyone run into this before, with Corrosion X or any other 'clean, lubricate, protect' type product? I'd rather not hit it with break cleaner (I've got kids milling about), also in part due to the fact that it's bare metal and I'm concerned it will rust quickly.
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I tried break cleaner this afternoon, to no added impact. I'd thought for sure that'd peel the stuff right off, but it's still not coming off without some scrubbing. :-/
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