Help... G2?

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Apr 9, 2003
Okay, I've got this photo from THR or TFL and I don't know what kind of gun it is. It's a bullpup, I believe it is 5.56, but I don't know for sure. It's charging handle is on top, under a really large carry handle. The pictures title is g2.gif, but g2 is under the minimum search length (3) on here and TFL. The only other place I've seen this gun is on a video game. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Oblivion Lost, I think. Any pics links or edumakated guesses would be great, thanks to all who try.
Alright, found free hosting:


Edited to add: And whats that second trigger looking thing?
Search with "g2*". Just remove the quotes.

Thanks, I didn't think of that, but it just seemed to pull up 915 glock related threads. Only 915? huh. :D
That's a French FA-MAS. It's chambered for 5.56mm, and I believe it's the new standard-issue infantry rifle for the French military. Also known as le Clarion (the Bugle) because of it's shape. Here's some more info:

Off the link posted above.

Surprised you guys don't dig this one more, it takes M16 type mags and has that whole modular thing going on. That sniper variant looks rather cool.
Well, it's not an AR-15 variant, see, so there's going to be a bit of bias against it. Many are quite attached to the Stoner rifle, and regard others with disdain.

But moreso than that, I think it's because it's very likely that few, if any, High Roaders have ever gotten to handle or shoot a FA MAS. You don't see them around much.

Oh, and the fact that it's French certainly doesn't help... :D
I've got to handle one. Not shoot it however. Pretty cool gun.

I know 2 other THR people who have actually gotten to fire the FA MAS, both while cross training with French personel. They both came away saying that it was a pretty good gun.

You don't see many here in the states.
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