help, hair and fibers are destroying the finish on my high power!

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Sounds as though you are using entirely too much oil. Too much oil will attract lint and dust.
Have you considered having your High-Power encased in carbonite? This method worked out extremely well for Jabba-the-hut to keep any dirt or damage (and I'd assume lint and fiber-free as well) from occuring to his prize Han Solo decoration. Go ahead, give carbonite a try and see if this will work for you too! :evil:
Take an old T shirt and cut it into patches use these as rags to wipe down the exterior of your piece.

The exterior of your gun should be dry to the touch when you are done cleaning it.

Don't fuss over it.

If you want to wipe your guns down, rather than using an oily rag buy one of the RIG silicone impregnated gun cloths for this purpose. It removes finger prints and coats the piece with a fine layer of rust inhibiting silicone. Oil holds any dust, fibers, etc on the gun.
hows it not hurting the gun its ruining the finish

Hair and lint is NOT ruining the finish of your gun. You have something else that is causing the scratches. Something harder than the finish.

If it IS the hair, then you have a problem with your finish.
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