help me find cartridges with a .559"-ish rim

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Sep 2, 2010
Backstory: I'm re-barreling a M95 steyr. Right now I'm having tons of fun just trying to figure out what the options are as far as chamberings. I'd like to be able to use the en-bloc clips from the original 8x56 chambering but if not, well ok.

The 8x56 has a .559" rim that's nearly .060" thick. So, let's see if someone knows of a rimmed case with the same or very nearly the same rim diameter and not so much recoil that I won't want to shoot it.

So far I've found

.500 S&W with .556" rim. Looks like I can use this in the clips with some feed rail mod. Fits bolt almost exactly. Mild recoil in a .50cal rifle. Good power, rimmed case, ammo available at my local gunshop. Downside, .50 cal bullets are few and spendy and I like to handload.

.460 S&W similar to above with a smaller rim but in .45 cal so bullets are way easier to deal with.

.243 wssm. Nearly fits the bolt face but not rimmed so may not work at all. Barrel burner too. Not really on the short list.

.45-70. Have to turn the rims down to fit the bolt, may work in the mag with modification. Moderate recoil. Cheap easy to find brass. Bullets plentiful but costly.

7.62x54 do not want.

.30-40 krag do not want

So, help me out. Suggestions?
The .303 British has a rim diameter of .540 and a thickness of .064. However, since you have stated that you don't want the 30-40, .303 maybe too close to the 30-40 for your tastes.
What is the pressure rating of 8x56r?

There's other factors in play as to suitability besides will the bolt face fit.

Take 460 s&w for example. Even though this is a revolver round its rated for 65,000 psi. Or the same as 300wby magnum

And whomever said that 500 or 460 doesn't kick hard in a long gun is just wanting to be able to laugh at you on that first trigger pull

posted via tapatalk using android.
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According to you can rebarrel it in:

1. 6.3x53R Finnish
2. 7.62x54R Russian/7.62x53 Finnish
3. 8.2x53R Finnish
4. 8x53mmR Murata
5. .338 M&K
6. .35-53R
7. .375 Tyrvaa (.375-53R)

Also according to wikipedia the maximum chamber pressure is 51,500 psi, so I don't know about rebarreling it in .500 S&W magnum which has a maximum chamber pressure of 60,000 psi.
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the case is what I care about guys, don't forget that bit. I handload and am fully capable of making a reduced from maximum load so I don't have to go full 60K psi. I'm even willing to shorten the chamber and trim the brass down a bit to reduce case capacity so I don't have an easy way to get over pressure and bolt face pressure limits. As long as I keep the loads at a sane level all should be well. So, back to it.

As long as I keep the pressures at or under 50K psi it should not even approach the design limit of the bolt. 7.62x54 seems popular and it's up at 56K. My grievance with .30-40 and the rusky 7.62 are eccentric but reasonable to me. the british isn't excluded but I have to say, I'm not hot on it. I'd like something bigger bore.
I test fitted a .444 and it's a little sloppy against the bolt face but yes, it's very much in the back of my mind. Actually... that might just be the best option in general. My other .444 doesn't kick too hard and makes slurry out of critters.

Lemme look up .348win. EDIT: looked it up, rim is too wide. Could turn them down but apart from that, it's a little skinny on the available bullet options (5 that I can find). Not off the list but not at the top of it.

keep em coming.
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