Help me pick which one.

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Dec 21, 2011
XD .45 or Charles Daly 1911. I'm torn. Which one? The XD is about $40 cheaper and comes with 4 mags and all the XD gear. The Charles Daly only has one mag and but has a brand new barrel and some cosmetic issues. Both are .45s obviously, I already have a bunch of XDs but never can have enough. I'm torn haha.
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This is like comparing .45 apples to .45 oranges. And without knowing what your intended use for the guns are, I'd say go for the 1911 because it's prettier, and has a better trigger, and I'm not a fan of the sights on the XD's. But, almost anything I tell you is going to be opinion. The real question is what is your opinion, because I'm not buying it.
Are you better with striker fired or SA?

You will have to practice a good bit to be comfortable with the 1911 style safety, where as the xd you and just pull and fire. The little safety flick can be tough at first on the 1911.

I have and shoot both and carry both. I will say that out of the gate I was better with the striker design... it took me a while to get used to the 1911, but once I did I can say i do prefer it. Some people have a hard time transitioning between the two, but I really don't. I can pick up either one and feel fine with it.

My XD has a lot of rounds through it and it runs great. Not even a hiccup.

I think it's going to come down to whether you like steel or polymer, thicker profile or a thinner one. You mention you have a few XDs, so you could always take that as a sign lol. OR maybe as a sign that you need to add some variety haha.
Yea I keep thinking 1911 since I don't have any I actually shoot. I do need variety and I need a new carry gun and something I don't have to worry about. I have a lot of expire nice with 1911s and can shoot them fairly well, and I already have a hammer .45 (FNP-45Tac) even thou a 1911 is a far cry from that too haha. Thanks for input guys.
If you have more XDs, I'd get the 1911, but it wouldn't be a Charles Daly. That importer when out of business and there is no warranty service available. Look into a Rock Island. The price is right, the customer service is good and the 3 I own shoot very well.
The only reason for buying a Charles daly is the price. And this is old enough there would be no warranty anyway, and Charles daly just came back into business under trans world firearms out of Harrisburg PA again. It was still made in Philippines and imported under KBI so for parts and specs I would run with RIA.
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