Help requested - looking for a remote trigger puller

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usmarine0352_2005 said:
A mere glimpse of the title made me think...............

Assassination plot.

Oh good. I'm glad I'm not the only one who clicked on this thread for that reason. ^_^
My first shot on my Mosin was done with 550 parachute cord. I spent about three hours cleaning it, and I wanted to test fire it, but wanted to do so from a safe distance. I lashed it down to an old truck tire with the 550 cord and ran the working end of the 550 cord through the trigger guard and over the trigger. I stood behind a large oak tree and gave it a slow pull. Sure to shoot.
Your thread made me think of this.

little gizmos that would let you fire your gun in sort of a three-shot burst. it attached to the trigger guard. might be some direction, there.
I don't think any of that stuff is going to work on the single-shot spring-piston air rifle the OP ask about.

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