Help with Bersa Thunder

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Apr 4, 2004
I have a Bersa Thunder .380 cal. when I rack the action and insert a bullet into the chamber then pull the trigger to slowly release the hammer down to the safety area without firing the weapon. I have to pull the trigger twice to make it fire. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong? I would appreciate any help. What is the best way to carry this pistol?
Doesn't sound normal.
But neither does pulling the trigger to decock it after loading.

The Bersa has a Decocker/Safety that drops the hammer automatically when you put the safety on.
That is what you should be using to lower the hammer.

I think when you lower the hammer with your thumb you are confusing the lockwork by placing the hammer in a safety intercept position designed to prevent firing when dropped, etc.

In other words, don't do it that way!
Keep you finger off the trigger and use the decocker/safety as it was designed to be used.

PS: Here is an Owners Manual in case you don't have one, or haven't read it:

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Your Bersa is not normal. Are you using an aftermarket magazine such as a "ProMag"? In my experience, they are garbage and may give you trouble. Otherwise, you need to seek warranty service.
Are you sure the slide is all the way in battery when you chamber a round? If not, you could be chambering the round with your first hammer strike and then firing the round with the 2nd. Or is the hammer even being drawn back on the 1st trigger pull?
In any case you should be lowering the hammer with the safety lever rather than by pulling the trigger. (I don't know if that will help with your particular problem though.)
I carry my Bersa hammer down on a loaded chamber, safety off. HTH

Dangit! rc got me beat by 6:00 minutes!
Definitely use the decocker,EVERY TIME! This is your problem. As far as carrying,I carry the Firestorm version,same thing basically. I carry it chambered and PROPERLY decocked,safety on.When in need,safety off,double action trigger cocks n' drops.
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