Here is a "real" stoopid question

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Two cheap laundry baskets, one or two cheap poly tarps, or trash bags, or whatever will hold water, and have at it. (I no longer use the water jugs)


The tarps are good for many shots, then when you finish, lay them out to dry and duct tape over the holes, then use them again.

A word to the wise- Mention your plans to your wife BEFORE you start shooting at the picnic table in the back yard. :D

You can usually get 55 gallon plastic drums for $5 to $10 and then shoot them starting from the top down.
Contact the bottler, see if they'll part with a dozen or so.

I impressed the heck out of a couple of kids I brought up in the mountains by shooting a gallon jug of water from about 20 feet with a thutty-ought-six. The usual reaction was an awed "wow."

Npw that was a practical use for milk jugs.
You forgot one other thing those stupid people do... they reproduce!!!

Dumpster diving as was mentioned is a quick way to find containers to shoot. Check the dumpsters around your local Target, Wal-Mart, grocery stores, auto repair....

Plenty of places to look and you won't spend any money on them, other than gas from driving around.

Make a frame to hang them from, then get a couple or more moving, there's your moving target practice.
Fun?, yep sort of many moons ago:)
When we where kids we used to shot out street lights with BB guns:what:(and other things)
Then when we got real guns we would go out in the boonies and shoot old cars, TVs refrigerators and all the other junk idiots would dump out there. Now those idiots drive around and pick up the stuff from the trash and are conservationists (take to the junk to the scrap yard and get a few dollars) to pay for their gas in there beat up pickups.

I do not think the You Boob videos are about "fun" they are for drama and the people posting those are only trying to make money from the videos. Guess more likes, subscribes and views earn them money. As I mentioned shooting water jugs to measure penetration is bogus,

Then good old boys like Hickup, make a real living on it and gets free ammo for promoting it.

He does have a heck of a range!
Clear water test. I once set a 30 gallon plastic garbage can under the edge of the deck, filled it with water, spread a cleaner bag over the surface to reduce splash and shot vertically downward over the rail.
First try was with a .38 lead hollow point, the FBI load.
There a beautifully mushroomed bullet lay on the bottom of the can.

Encouraged by that, I then shot a Speer 88 gr JHP .380.
Where's my bullet? Why is my can leaking?
Yes, that .380 hollow point had gone through 2 1/2 feet of water, the bottom of the can, and about three inches of dirt. It had not expanded at all.
Maybe .380 hollowpoints are better now, but I still don't consider them worthwhile.
The best thing about storing the gallon containers with handles is you can thread a piece of rope through the handles of about a dozen and hang the loop from the rafters in the garage. Out of the way for now!
Hmmm. As many disparaging remarks about shooting gallon jug of water have been presented here, one gallon plastic jugs of water are a well accpted test media.Gel is too expensive and home made is really involved to make. Water filled hugs are an excellent way to test bullet expansion and penetration (I don't have any pigs in my yard to shoot, no old dairy cows either). I guess I could use clay or wet newsprint, as a comparison media, but jugs are more popular and results can be compared between testers...
"one gallon plastic jugs of water are a well accpted test media.Gel is too expensive and home made is really involved to make. Water filled hugs are an excellent way to test bullet expansion and penetration". I didn't "invent" this bullet test and there have been millions of shooters who tested their handloads this way. It is an excellent, consistent testing media. Enough guys. I asked a simple question which I though would be easily answered.
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I don't have any pigs in my yard to shoot
I know it's not practical for everyone .. or is it? Lots of places have visitor hunting permits. Most of those places have wild boar, pigs, tapir and the like. Come on down South and get yerself a hunting license (just do not wander into a gun store and ask the camera operator, "Anyone know where I kin git me a huntin' lie-sense?"). The laws vary but for the most part hunting private land in TX, FL, AR, LA, AL, GA... is perfectly acceptable and we got PLENTY of wild pigs down here - they're vermin. As long as you harvest them responsibly, being humane and using a quick-clean kill method, there's not going to be much argument with using a SD bullet on the corpse as a coup de grace. Gotta make sure they're not playing possum and you wouldn't be the only feller to use a .38 or .380 to "make sure." One shot in a warm body about the size and mass of an "attacker" can give you a LOT of real-world data. BUT! that's costly and inconvenient and takes a lot of planning and luck so, I got the idea of wanting to use a substitute. My best suggestion is to hit up a buddy with kids who drink lots of milk and SunnyD.
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