Here is our future

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Sep 4, 2011
Hi all-

Maybe there's another way to think of this and/or another approach...

What if the 2A were expressed without the first clause, i.e. to read "The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"? Could not an amendment to the constitution aid in this? While the justices can do what they do, wouldn't such a change make eliminating an individual right much more difficult, by eliminating the clause that Justice Bryer and his ilk appear to depend on for their arguments?

It's still just a thought IMHO, but I saw this article today which suggests that somebody else is apparently thinking this way as well:
The End of Gun Control: We’re In Spitting Distance of a Constitutional Amendment

Have a great day all.

Note added on 16NOV. Apologies if I botched up something - I thought I was merely adding to a previous thread (that I'd added to earlier). Apparently I somehow started a new thread.
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