Here's an interesting shot.

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Friend got this with his Iphone completely at random.

If I look kind of "twisted" position wise, understand that due to pins in one shoulder, I have to bend/lean my torso to be able to get both hands up

9.9 grains Universal under a 250 grain hard cast, Ruger Blackhawk .45 Colt. Recoil from that load puts the barrel up past 45/50 degrees

And as well explained above, you can just see the ghost of my barrel starting to recoil as the exposure ends.

Phone cameras are getting better, but sometimes I miss the hours immersed in photographic chemical baths and the joy of long exposures in dim settings.

I don't miss the cost though.


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Dnaltrop, I never did get around to setting up a darkroom for doing B&W before the whole digital thing matured. So I never had the joy of souping film and paper.

Sadly cell phone cameras seem to be the accepted norm these days just as back then Kodak Instamatics were considered by many as having a "real" camera....:banghead:

You likely understand the far greater flexibility and abilities of the nicer cameras if you did dark room stuff. The good news is that we don't need to jump from cell phone cameras all the way up to a DSLR to get better control. There's a number of the neatly flat and pocketable P&S's that have shutter priority and aperature priority as options. And those along with exposure compensation let's you trick the camera into doing whatever you wish.

And if that's not enough there's a few flat P&S options that come with a full manual mode.

So just say "Push over baby" to the poor cell phone camera... :D
Great pics guys! As a muzzle-flash photo enthusiast, I am thoroughly enjoying them

Here's another, then. Not so much flash, but it catches what appears to be the bullet just leaving the muzzle.

I'd really like to see manufacturers make a larger, high quality digital camera, that happens to have a decent cell phone built into it... SLR sized body with a good lens mount, able to attach to a tripod without extras. Remote trigger ( bluetooth) so we can get into our own shots.

I'm sure we'll get one eventually, guess I'll have to find another pistol while we wait.
A friend of mine took this one of me years back in my young 20s (I developed much better shooting posture not long after) . Taken with a 'real camera,' the bullet is actually visible in the flash. I have two monitors, and only one of them shows it for some reason, so you may or may not be able to see it depending on what kind of screen you have, but it's there! :)

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