Hero Gun Dad Gets Just 3 Days

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Disorderly conduct is a non criminal offense and hence this fellow will continue to have no criminal record.

Three days in Rikers would probably mean one actual day in jail.

He should have gotten his permit, premises permits are easy to come by.

Asked what he would change if he could to turn back the clock to that fateful night when he wounded Thompson, Dixon said: "I'd make sure I had a license first."
Read that "I'd make sure I had an appointment with destiny first". That is what is expected in the armpit of the nation.

The fact is that the DA got his "win" and, in his distorted world view, saved face.
I'll stay here in the neanderthal south, never lost anything in NY, so I don't see any need to go there.

If not for NYC being attatched NY would be a gun friendly place.. Upstate is a whole different world than the rotten apple.

Heck, NYC won't even honor my NY state issued permit.. :barf: I guess I'll just add that to the thousands of reasons I'm not headed downstate anytime soon.

Schumer and Clinton are in no way "representative" of the whole state of NY, they cater to the highly compacted, crime infested majority in NYC.

It sounds like the dad came out GREAT! The guy got off light on the possession charges, no doubt influenced by his heroic effort.

I don't know why y'all think it is so terrible that this guy got charged for possession of an illegal weapon. He was in violation of the law before the incident which brought it to the attention that he possessed an illegal weapon. It just happens to be the hero event that brought his illegal activity to the attention of law enforcement.

What if he had used a switchblade knife, brass knuckles, or a stolen car? He still would have been a hero and still in violation of the law.

The guy possessed a gun where he needed a permit he didn't have and so after defending his family, he now has the expense of all the legal hassles. Why the guy didn't bother to get a permit is beyond me. He probably figured there was little chance that anything would ever happen and so he didn't bother with the permit. That's just the way it goes.
My vote is, the dad gets the 3 months jail sentence..


Who's with me on that one?

Defend your own flesh and blood, go to jail.

CSlinger, Crock...?? Try a bigger container my friend :barf: :barf: :barf:
Double Naught, How can something be illegal if an amendment to the constitution strictly forbids such a law?

Hi El T, speeding carries with it potential jail in NY, all infractions (violations) do.

Disorderly conduct is the catch all violation in NY that lets everyone save face.

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